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Some of the biggest challenges we face stem from how we interact with our environment, and engineering is at the heart of finding sustainable solutions. Working with water is particularly important when thinking about the environment because water sustains all life and is essential to the survival of the planet....

This video is a message to ESERO-UK from European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake. He talks about studying STEM subjects and how he became an astronaut. The video includes images of a launch, Tim engaging in various astronaut training exercises and the International Space Station, where Tim will be for six months...

Great Gizmos 4m Fun Tin Can Cable Car

Recycle a drink can to make a unique cable car.

This Toolkit Talks video covers parental involvement.


This Toolkit Talks video covers social and emotional learning...

Inspire as many students as possible with inspiring and inclusive messages about engineering.

This 12-page guide is for ambassadors, teachers, advisers and anyone delivering engineering activities or talks to groups of young people. With a handy preparation checklist and sections on ‘embedding careers...

An early introduction to STEM!

  • Arrange the magnetic pieces by following designs from the Activity Cards to create a marble run
  • Drop the...

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how Stopsley Community Primary School encourages good behaviour by rewarding pupils. The resource explores the school's house point system, resources and support for teachers and their 'red carpet' policy as part of the managing behaviour and bullying in...

Aimed at primary level, the activities within this pack demonstrate key ideas and concepts used in designing and constructing buildings such as: how levers and pulleys work, the properties of materials and the forces involved in different structures. Activities include: making a lever to lift a grown up, making...

Inspired by the theme of the Victorians, this activity supports the teaching of design and technology in context by investigating the key inventions made during the Victorian era, and how they have influenced engineering today.

In this classroom activity pupils will learn about the Victorian era and the...

Through this challenge, pupils will have the opportunity to explore and understand the everyday life of the Victorians. Pupils will have the opportunity to identify potential problems/areas of Victorian life where an invention could be useful and to use drawing, writing and speech to communicate their invention to...

Astronauts have been taking photographs of the Earth from space for over 50 years and Earth observation ...

These resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems, explore the theme of waterways.

In this ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource, prominent engineers talk about what excites and inspires them in their work.

The resource consists of:

*Colour photographs of prominent male and female engineers, which can be printed out in colour or black and white.
*A short paragraph on what...
