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This activity investigates the potential of hydrogen fuel cells as a means of energy generation and storage. Students make hydrogen gas by electrolysis, supported by practical instruction sheet. Combined with the Burning Fuels 2 resource, students can explore the...

These resources explores how engineers have used their knowledge of waves to improve lives.  The activities include:

  • Using the reflection of light to create a floating image
  • Investigating the best material for thermal resistance (insulation) in a survival suit

Curriculum links...

This activity focuses on promoting a product to a particular target user group. Teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurial skills are required to design, brand and market a new Nintendo Wii product. ‘Make your pitch!’ provides students with an opportunity to explore and...

NASA's Viking Mission to Mars was composed of two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander. The primary mission objectives were to obtain high resolution images of the Martian surface, characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for...

Students consider how materials need to be tested for their suitability for a specific job before engineers in construction projects can choose them. The tasks will ask the students to think about what properties need to be considered, how these might be scientifically...

This challenge asks teams of students to plan a major sporting event in their local area. The resource provides an opportunity for students to explore their ideas in a creative environment. Teams can define their own goals and priorities, but may want to focus on three main areas of planning an event:


This collection includes ACME's series of short briefing papers, called Maths Snapshots, which set out what ACME believe are some of the key issues in mathematics education, identifying challenges and opportunities and providing policy advice on how to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.


In this resource students explore the science of combustion in the context of fuel-burning stoves from around the world. They investigate the energy output from a variety of fuels covering calorific values, simple combustion chemistry, stove efficiency and chimney design. The unit ends with a design task requiring...

Earth Observation (EO) scientists collect information about the Earth – the land, the sea and the atmosphere – using sensors carried on satellites, aircraft, ships, buoys floating on the ocean and thousands of weather stations around the world. There is now a great deal of data available and scientists are finding...

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) introduces a number of scientists working in a range of different careers and it consists of a set of careers activities shows science used in other work contexts. The resource is part of the SYCD: Science Year Can we; Should we? collection.


In this resource from Cre8ate maths, students critically compare nutritional measures and calculate their daily energy requirements. Initially students fill in the worksheet Can we eat what we like, to prompt a whole class discussion about the consequences of a bad diet. They then use the Sugar, salt and fat...

In this DIY Faraday Challenge, students are asked to work in teams to design and construct the rocket which will transport supplies via Earth orbit to the astronauts on Mars. They are also required to build a system to transport the rocket to the...

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation and they penetrate into human tissue. There is still a significant debate about the safety of holding even a low power microwave transmitter next to your brain or keeping it in a trouser pocket. The possibility of...

This resource investigates modelling and constructing pulley systems designed to lift loads.

Suggested learning outcomes include:

  • To be able to recognise and describe the main parts of a pulley system.
  • To understand how a pulley system can reduce the effort needed to lift a load.
  • ...

Tunnelworks is a series of teaching and learning resources linking mathematics and science to the Thames Tideway Tunnel project, a major new sewer that will help protect the River Thames from increasing pollution. Background to the project is given in the introductory video...
