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In this biology extension module of the Salters’ Science course, an exhibition of foods is used to introduce examples of using microbes in food processing. Students make sauerkraut and learn about the establishment of microbial populations in new habitats. Positive uses...

This Catalyst article looks at the production of rice, which is a staple food for billions of people. It describes how crop scientists have identified varieties of rice with favourable characteristics, such as flood resistance, and are using them to develop crops with increased yield. Such crops may help to...

A podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Have you ever noticed that when you cross a busy road, as well as clocking the traffic, you subconsciously follow what your neighbours do?

Scientists have recently put a figure on this and worked out that...

Since 1799 the Royal Institution has been introducing new technologies and teaching science to the general public.  Their vision is " A world where everyone is inspired to think more deeply about science and its place in our lives."  They use their iconic Christmas...

This Catalyst article explains how studying sand can reveal both the geological and biological history of a local environment as sand varies from place to place. Sand from near a copper smelter can contain grains of copper; grains can contain worm trails from microscopic worms living in the ocean. Even the grains...


A Catalyst article about Socotra, a small archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean off the horn of Africa, belonging to the Republic of Yemen. The islands are becoming famous for their range of animal and plant species and for their use as a natural 'laboratory' where ideas about evolution can be tested. The...

This Catalyst article looks at the effect exercise has on the body. Poor fitness contributes to poor life expectancy, and inability to exercise reduces quality of life in the ill or aged. Scientists hope to understand the mechanisms which limit 'exercise tolerance' which would contribute to enhanced performance for...

In this SATIS Revisited resource students consider the conflict between the increasing use of energy and the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels in order to lessen carbon dioxide emissions and tackle climate change.

The aim of this unit is to introduce the idea that the discussion of controversial issues...

This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the Variety of Life topic, to students aged 5-7, is divided into three chapters:

*Chapter 1: Planning - showing how to use the resources to plan a topic and,...

This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the Variety of Life topic, to students aged 7-12, is divided into five chapters:

*Chapter 1: Introduction - covering useful strategies, the SPACE approach and...

Produced by Understanding Animal Research, this resource is a Key Stage Three science or citizenship activity looking at malaria, one of the world's greatest killers.

Why is such a small amount of research funding dedicated to this serious condition? Why should it take a celebrity sufferer, Cheryl Cole, to...

This brightly coloured leaflet from the Microbiology Society explains how good hand hygiene can reduce the spread of infection and also help prevent food poisoning. Specially designed, bold cartoons are used to illustrate the key points together with a list of fascinating facts about microbial transmission. It is...

Most people are all too familiar with the idea of animal parasites, including tape worms, ticks and lice. But did you know that plants can also act as parasites, exploiting resources from unwilling hosts? Rather than being rare anomalies, however, there are over 4000 known species of parasitic plants, with...
