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These materials look at three possible projects that relate to space exploration:

* Communications project - students gather information about space exploration before making a presentation on the problems to be overcome with past and possible future benefits of space travel

* Practical project -...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to the sports equipment a triathlete may use:

* Communications project - students act as members of a research team that develops prosthetic limbs and running shoes. Funding for this work is required. Students devise an approach to suitable...

In this project, students investigate how velocity and other factors affect the extent of bodywork damage in head-on collisions between model vehicles.

A family car travelling at 30 mph has about 90 kJ of kinetic energy. In a crash, this reduces to zero...

In this project, students measure the UV radiation to find out when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest. They will then compare a variety of different sun creams and sun blocks by measuring how much UV...

In this project, students design, make and test a device to test people’s reaction times.   They will need to consider the electronic circuitry involved, the power supply, input device, processor and...

In this project, students investigate the thermal properties of different fabrics used in cold weather clothing or other thermal insulation applications such as sleeping bags or duvets. They will also find out about TOG values and measure the TOG values of different fabrics.

In this project students carry out some research about how sails ‘work’ - what are the aerodynamic principles of a sail, and what...

Within this lesson, students will learn about the classical force of gravity, put forward by Newton. They will learn the difference between mass and weight, the equation that relates the two and perform an investigation into the strength of gravity on Earth. Students will then use a 3D model of space to better...

This is the classic investigation which demonstrates the idea of radioactive decay and half-life. There are lots of variations of this, but this one looks at using dice and removing those with a number 6. You then plot the graph to work out the ‘half-life’ of the blocks. This is a good investigation to make ...

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity shows how two metal plates and a person, can make a battery (cell). This helps to demonstrate how a solar photovoltaic cell works.

A solar cell has two electrodes. These have to be connected up to make a circle which we call an electrical circuit. One side is connected...

Seven activity sheets produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) to accompany the MODEL Project's Harnessing Energy video.

Worksheet one takes an overview of the topic. Worksheets two - seven are targeted at specific sections of the video.

Answers to all the worksheet questions are provided in the...

Eight practicals produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) that help students to understand energy transfer and transformation and the use of energy in its various forms.

Accompanied by the Teacher and technicians'...

Aimed at upper primary, this resource contains a series of lessons which explore forces and flight through a practical challenge where children work in teams to investigate materials and then design, make and test their own gliders. The first lesson sets the scene and introduces the problem as well as some basic...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these activities help students to investigate the absorption of radiation, heat transfer and heat capacity.

Taken from a real-life scenario, the students look at the effects of different colours on the amount of heat a container absorbs....

How big?
This resource uses scale models to understand the huge differences between the Sun and other stars in the galaxy. The spreadsheet gives scales for the Sun and five...
