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This resource covers the parts of the eye and their function in enabling people to see objects. They are designed for teachers working with pupils who are new to English. The resources include a set of flashcards covering the key words and a series of...


In this activity pupils calculate the height of a released balloon using a clinometer and trigonometry. This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in design technology, engineering and mathematics....

This resource shows how you can successfully lift a person off the ground using two cordless leaf blowers, problem-solving skills and some STEM knowledge: the same knowledge and skills that are used to design hovercraft.

Curriculum links include:

forces ...

The aim of this resource is to understand the levels of structure in space – Solar System, galaxy, Universe. The spreadsheet exercise allows students to discover this structure in a graphical form. Students can find more...

In this activity, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, students look at their shadow at different times of the day and measure differences in its size and direction. The activity needs to take place in the playground on a sunny day. A compass or an online map can be used to help work out which way is North on the...

This resource is based around the chemical composition of the human body and the origin of elements in the universe. Students can input a mass in the spreadsheet to see what proportion of their mass is from elements created in the Big Bang, in stars and in supernovae. Graphs are also shown for the relative...

In this resource, students attempt to apply their understanding of heat transfer (convection, conduction and radiation) to the novel case of the Beagle 2 Lander.

Students are set the challenge of creating the best...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at image scaling, which is an important first step that all astronomers perform when looking at image data. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from...

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity allows students to consider the impacts of an available source of electricity on communities in developing nations. People who have unreliable or no access to electricity find their lives changed for the better if they do have access to reliable electricity. One of the ways of...

There is a minimum size of meteorite that will make it through the atmosphere of a planet (or the Moon) and impact on the surface. If the meteorite is any smaller than this, it will burn up on its journey through the atmosphere and be seen as a meteor or shooting star (obviously if the meteorite is bigger it will...

This lesson shows that pressure in fluids acts in all directions and therefore pushes in all directions on any object floating or submerged in the fluid.

Learning objectives:

Students could: explain why pressure with depth variation for water is different from the variation of pressure with height...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this book looks at providing opportunities in science for students with specific learning needs. As well as advice and guidance, it includes details of a range of practical activities and investigations. The book illustrates: * potential barriers to...

The kit, from ESA, uses five themed chapters to explore various aspects of the International Space Station, including what it is, how it is being built, living and working on board, and what future voyages will be like.

The ISS Education Kit is aimed at teachers of secondary school students aged 12-15. ESA...

The ISS Education Kit, from ESA, is a resource for teachers with ideas on how to use the International Space Station as a thematic frame for teaching a wide variety of topics that are part of European curricula.

The A4-sized binder contains four chapters devoted to explaining various aspects of life in space...
