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This video introduces the process of regelation.  This is when ice melts as pressure is applied to it and then re-freezes when the pressure is removed. An experiment is conducted using two lengths of wire attached to two 1.5kg masses. One wire is made from copper and the other is fishing wire.  Students are asked...

This video demonstrates how the pressure exerted by the atmosphere (10,000kg on an average person) can implode a large drum when the air inside the drum is removed (Heat water to vaporise and remove all air. Condense the vapour by cooling the drum). 


The scientists states that...


A magical demonstration where it appears that pouring a jug of water into different glasses produces a range of different drinks.  It is a great way to introduce a lesson on pH indicators at Key Stage Three and will hold students spellbound. Chemistry teacher Paul Grooby shows a starter demonstration, adding...


Alan Cucknell's job consists of finding new and innovative ways to make their clients' products stand out from the crowd. This...

These resources from the Wellcome Trust explore how imaging research has changed the way we look inside one of our most fascinating organs, the brain. ...


Professor Andrew Coates and Dr Ian Hutchinson explain how the ExoMars instruments, the Pancam and Raman spectroscopy instruments can be combined to help scientists identify areas of interest on the surface of Mars.  The video shows how field trips are important to learn first-hand the challenges that the ExoMars...

Produced by Teachers TV, this video illustrates how enthusiastic science co-ordinator Katrine Shears gives hints and tips about successful investigations using her experiments on sound as an example. Year Six children at Bobbing Village Primary School are conducting their own investigations to find the most...
