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In this practical investigation, students will perform a combustion reaction using a mixture of alcohol and air in a plastic water...

This video explains why objects of different masses fall at the same rate towards the ground. 

A heavy medicine ball is dropped at the same time and from the same height as a lighter basket ball.  They both hit the ground at the same time.

Although the medicine ball has a greater force on it, its...

This video shows the types of common misconceptions people have about heat.  A book and a metal object, that are the same temperature, are held by people.  They all say the metal object is colder. Using an IR thermometer, it is proved that a cake and its metal container are the same temperature as they are removed...

This video considers the misconceptions people have about heat. Most people believe that something that feels hotter to the hand must be at a higher temperature. However, this is not always the case. We do not feel temperature, rather we feel the rate at which heat is conducted towards or away from our hands. Two...

This video introduces the Hubble sphere and how the rate of expansion of space can be used to explain how we see very distant objects that are travelling faster than light. The limitation to the observable universe is the particle horizon (where the time is too great for light to have reached the Hubble horizon)....


The cell is the smallest unit of life and for many millennia single celled organisms were the only form of life on Earth. It’s this type of life that astrobiologists are looking for elsewhere in the solar system. In this activity, wallpaper paste is used to build model cells Curriculum areas covered: • Cell biology...

In this video Helen describes how she became a trainee molecular geneticist at Addenbrookes hospital.  The video could be used to introduce a lesson on  cystic fibrosis, genes, genetic testing,...

