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In this lesson, students investigate the claim that using a Nintendo Wii computer game is a good way to keep fit and that people, therefore, should be encouraged to use them. They compare how their resting pulse rate changes when they have been playing a normal games...

In this experiment, from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), students are required to make observations about wild oat seeds. Using a petri dish, glass jar, filter paper and water, students can recreate the conditions of a greenhouse. They can then observe the changes to direction of the awn (the long hair at...

This resource looks at the impact of climate change, in particular flooding and drought, and how science can be used to mitigate against it. Students first explore perceptions about climate change, then look at ways to communicate the significance of climate change to different groups of people. They then explore...

This resource contains six activities that link to animals including humans, they are designed for use with mixed age groups classes of Year 1 and 2. Activities include:

  • identifying and sorting different animals based on observable characteristics

  • creating a desert island, to...

This resource contains a synopsis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth assessment on wildfires written in language suitable for A level students, so can be used as an exercise in reading comprehension and note taking. It looks at natural and anthropogenic causes of wildfires, their benefits and...

A collection of spotter sheets to help learners spot and identify a range of plants and animals.

An original new science series which explores the key characteristics that divide the main animal and plant groups, and looks at how these characteristics have evolved over time. The...


A factsheet about William Smith, known as ‘the father of English geology’, who worked as a surveyor, building canals and draining marshes in England during the Industrial Revolution. He was not typical for a scientist of his day, but is now famous for revolutionising the study of geological time, stratigraphy, and...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). One of the most important questions facing us all is how we will use the planet’s energy resources over the coming decades. Many people believe that wind power can make a vital...

In this activity, students explore the requirements of aerodynamic design through testing simple shapes in a wind tunnel and explain the link between the test results from a wind tunnel and air resistance. The activity focuses on students acquiring an understanding of...

There is much debate about reducing greenhouse gases and how renewable energy sources might form part of the answer. Most people agree that renewable energy is a good thing, but how do people react when a wind farm is proposed to be built near them? The following...

From Practical Action, this challenge asks students to design a simple wind turbine capable of lifting a cup off the floor to bench height. The winning team will be the one producing a machine that lifts the most weight. The resource includes an instruction sheet, wind turbine images, links to videos and...

This resource aims to give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) on wheelchair sport. Students create a presentation that provides a justified answer to the ‘big question’, does engineering design make a difference to a wheelchair athlete's...

The 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was won by Gurdon and Yamanaka, for their work on adult stem cells.

This Catalyst article explains how they discovered that a nucleus from an egg cell transplanted into a specialised cell can still develop into a fully functional organism. Yamanaka named these...
