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A practical skills handbook to accompany the OCR Practical Endorsement for AS/A level physics (H556H557), incorporating supporting material for teachers and students, covering

  • practical skills requirements...

The Particle Physics Project was made possible by funding from the Institute of Physics and support from the Centre for Science Education at the Open University. The project devised a pack of resources to help teachers and learners to engage with one of the most...

This resource, produced by SEPNet and Queen Mary University of London, uses Lego to represent the building blocks of matter. Different colour Lego bricks are assigned to different quarks and leptons. The quarks can be put together to make hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. The blocks can also be used to show...

This resource looks at a researcher who investigates the particle...


From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that coffee cools gradually because it is hotter than room temperature and heat is lost to the room. Mixing the coffee with milk also cools it but this effect is...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by MEI, this series of activities explores how mechanical oscillations are important in many areas of everyday life. Sometimes they are useful, for example the motion of the suspension on a car, sometimes they...

This guide is designed to help you deliver the principles of particle and nuclear physics through engaging activities using LEGO® bricks.

The resource is split into three topics: evolution of the universe, nuclear reactions and particle physics. All the resources in each topic are colour coded to match....

In this activity, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, students use real data, taken from a scientific paper, to plot the rotational curve of M31 (Andromeda), our neighbouring spiral galaxy. They will look at Kepler’s third law to predict the motion of stars around the centre of M31. They will then measure the...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these activities are aimed at post-16 students following courses in technology, engineering, physics or materials science. The activities described allow students to gain experience and practice experimental technique in the testing of materials' physical...


The Power Station Project is a simulated case study from the Science in Society series dealing with the various decisions that have to be made when a new power station is being planned. It was designed as an integral part of the Energy section of the Science in Society course. It is assumed that an Electricity...

Produced by LSIS, this interactive resource aims to support classroom practitioners in improving the quality of learning in practical science sessions. It is not a set of suggested practical activities to use in the classroom. Instead, it provides a framework for clarifying and achieving learning outcomes through...


Practical use of diffraction gratings include emission spectra as well as explorations of the wave-particle nature of light and the interference patterns that emerge.

