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Produced by the Institute of Physics, in this learning episode students measure the Young modulus. Through a range of discussions, questions and student investigations, activities look at: • defining the Young modulus • measuring the Young modulus of a material • measuring the stiffness of a material • stress-...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students use data and stress-strain graphs to gather information about the properties of materials.

Activities include:
* interpreting stress-strain graphs
* considering energy stored in a stretched material
* calculating stored...

This set of resources, from the Institute of Physics, looks at simple harmonic motion (SHM). The topic follows logically from linear motion and circular motion. Activities also give opportunities to revisit many aspects of physics.

The learning episodes in this section include:

Episode 301:...

Through demonstrations and discussions, this learning episode from the Institute of Physics helps students to understand the main features of simple harmonic motion. This is in preparation to moving to a more mathematical description. Activities include: * observing simple harmonic motion (SHM) * discussing the...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode assists students to use a mathematical approach to simple harmonic motion, starting from its physical basis and the forces involved. In the activities, students look at: * restoring forces in simple harmonic motion (SHM) * graphical representations of SHM...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students use experimental techniques and modelling to investigate simple harmonic motion (SHM). The activities include discussions, practical investigations and worked examples, including: • linking Hooke's law and SHM • investigating a loaded spring...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate the simple harmonic motion of a pendulum. This involves discussion and student investigations. The activities include: • measuring the restoring force • investigating the time period of a pendulum • using a computer model of a pendulum •...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode enables students to appreciate that there is a continuous interchange between potential and kinetic energy during simple harmonic motion. Students are also shown the mathematical basis for calculating energy.

The activities include:

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode will help students to see how energy moves from an oscillating system and how this results in a decrease in amplitude that follows an exponential decay pattern.

The activities include:
• observing water oscillating in a u-tube
• the motion of...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students see demonstrations and perform practical work to understand how simple harmonic oscillators show resonance when forced to vibrate at their natural frequency.

The activities include:
• discussing resonance
• demonstrating Barton's...

In these activities, from the Institute of Physics, students look at waves, speed, frequency, wavelength and wave graphs. They provide an opportunity to assess and build on prior knowledge.

In this topic, there are three learning episodes:

Episode 309: ...

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode introduces the idea that vibrations can give rise to disturbances travelling outwards, i.e. to progressive waves. This illustrates some of the basic properties of waves. The activities include: • investigating transverse and longitudinal waves in a spring •...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students interpret graphs of waves to understand concepts such as wavelength, frequency and phase.

The activities in this episode include:
• plotting displacement and drawing longitudinal waves
• considering phase
• understanding...

These activities, from the Institute of Physics, consider how speed, frequency and wavelength are linked by the wave equation v = fλ . This is achieved by measuring frequency using an oscilloscope and measuring the velocity of sound in free air.

The activities include:
* worked example to deduce and...

This series of resources, produced by the Institute of Physics, develops the idea that there are several types of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light, all of which travel at the same speed in empty space. The topic is split into learning episodes which are self-contained activities that take one or two...
