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Published by the Wellcome Trust in October 201, this report looks at how one-year postgraduate Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses in England and Wales support trainees’ acquisition of subject knowledge and topic specific pedagogy across the sciences.

The study, which was the first of its kind to look...

Published by LSIS, these booklets summarise the STEM action research projects carried out by 16-19 institutions across the UK. They include a brief summary of the research and findings on topics such as: using electronic notebooks, electronic learning, peer review, computer-based assessment, kinaesthetic techniques...

These research reports, published by LSIS, describe a wide range of projects that have been performed by providers of post-16 education and training. The research has been performed by practitioners in STEM subjects in diverse institutions.

How do messages get passed from the brain around the body? This video explains how action potential works.

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

A set of four presentations, produced jointly by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network and Nuffield Foundation. Aimed at supporting teachers, each presentation offers a set of activities and suggestions for teaching active approaches to level three applied science students.

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the theme of harnessing technology. It describes how Sussex Downs College set out to show students how to use more innovative features of technology to support collaborative and active learning. To begin with, this involved...

'Active psychology' provides a complete and involving account of the subject for AS and A Level study and is invaluable as a general introduction to related courses at this level.

Edited by an AQA Examiner,...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This activity includes a quiz and fact file describing the use of fingerprints for identification and processes of DNA profiling.

Also Included is The forensic use of bioinformation - resources for teachers which contains:

* curriculum links

* lesson plans

* teaching notes


This activity explores the ethical issues involved in the forensic use of bioinformation. It gives clear summaries of the judgement in a European Court of Human Rights case and of the rights and freedoms set down for all in the European Convention on Human Rights. An activity card gives statements that can be used...

This resource provides several case study scenarios for students to discuss, including questions to consider. It also gives a summary of changes in the law with regard to bioinformation.

Also included is The forensic use of bioinformation - resources for teachers which contains:

* curriculum links...

A collection of STEMNET case studies which profile activities completed by STEM Ambassadors. The activity case studies accompany a set of career case studies which describe the roles of the STEM Ambassadors who lead the activities. STEM Ambassadors are volunteers of all ages working in a range of STEM-related roles...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Emma Welsh describes very different assignments that she has undertaken as a STEM Ambassador. These ranged from making bouncy balls with six-year-olds to describing to GCSE students how her life took twists and turns before she came to her current role as a systematic reviewer...
