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A clock with a seconds hand is shown as it advances for 15 seconds. The challenge is to ‘graph the story’. This video emphasises the importance of scales. In this introductory video the answer is then displayed showing a linear relationship.

Time video


This Toolkit Talks video covers parental involvement.


This Toolkit Talks video covers social and emotional learning...


Kamlah Kew focuses on traffic lights - designing the layout, changing timings and checking the signals work properly. Tomorrow’s Engineers spoke to Kamlah and she told us about how she loves combining her creative and practical skills to make a difference to people’s lives every day.


Jennie is an apprentice Traffic Maintenance Engineer at Transport for London watching over London's traffic lights, signposts and junctions to keep everyone safe as they drive to work.


The first video takes a brief look at the history of programming.  It examines the differences between low level languages such as Assembly, and high level languages such as Python.  It considers the uses of each of these different types of languages.

The second video we explain the purpose of translators...

