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A Catalyst article about X-rays. The medical profession does its best to avoid X-raying young people, but sometimes the benefits outweigh the hazards. The benefits go beyond discovering broken bones; X-rays have played a major part in discovering the structure of DNA. The article looks at the history of X-rays, how...

From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this brochure describes the leading role played by UK scientists and engineers at universities, observatories and research council establishments in X-ray Multi Mission-Newton (XXM-Newton). Using XMM-Newton, astronomers will be able to pinpoint and study in...

Carom is an extra-curricular maths club which operates at Paston College in Norfolk. Jonny Griffiths has developed these materials to provide the opportunity for students to explore different aspects of mathematics which will also broaden their skills and encourage them...

Carom is an extra-curricular maths club which operates at Paston College in Norfolk. Jonny Griffiths has developed these materials to provide the opportunity for students to explore different aspects of mathematics which will also broaden their skills and encourage them...

A Catalyst article about International Heliophysical Year (2007-08) - a year of scientific collaboration, studying the Sun and the impact of its radiation on the Earth. How the Sun is changing and the history of solar research is examined.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2007, Volume...

A Catalyst article looking at the methods used to power rockets. Solid rocket boosters and liquid fuel rockets are the two main propulsion systems used to power rockets and solar power is used to drive electrical equipment. This article looks at these power systems and the future for rocket science.


Two documents cover the topics of functions and recursion. Students are provided with Python code and need to think through exactly what the code will do.

Young Women in Science was developed by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) as part of the Teaching and Learning Programme. This research supports the implementation of gender inclusive teaching strategies.


The Science Education Tracker is a survey commissioned by the Wellcome Trust that helps build understanding of the experiences, aspirations and intentions of young people across England with respect to science and related disciplines. There are some reassuring findings in this representative study of over 4,000...

This is an widely used investigation where you determine the Young's modulus of a piece of copper wire. This can be expanded to test other wires or materials and helps students with their measurement techniques.

This video, written and presented by Matt Parker and Timandra Harkness, considers the statistics of death. The only certainty is that everyone will die, but it is not known how or when this will happen. Based upon statistics, the odds of dying in particular ways are calculated and interpreted. The Normal...

This Catalyst article describes what it is like to work with laboratory animals, ensuring that they are treated ethically. The article focuses on the career of an animal technician making the point that a degree is not essential to pursue a career in science. There are many positions available each year for lab...

This resource consists of a comprehensive teaching pack on the topic of data protection and compliance from the Information Commissioner’s Office. It is a self-contained resource that could be used in its entirety or themes and activities could be...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

The Fibonacci sequence is an example of a linear recurrence relation (LRS). A matrix is used to calculate future terms, as well as running the sequence backwards to see how many zeroes appear. Algebra is used to prove the...

From the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this resource contains an animation that takes a journey which zooms in from the surface of the body into a cell. It illustrates the relationship between the nucleus, chromosomes, genes and DNA.

Each stage is at higher magnification to show where the genome is found...
