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This simulation explores the Beer's Lambert Law. It allows you to make colourful concentrated and dilute solutions and explore how much light they absorb and transmit using a virtual spectrophotometer.

Curriculum links include:

• Beer's law
• Solutions
• Concentration
• Molarity...

These articles explore how life on earth began, consider the importance of carbon in our biology and whether there might be an alternative.  

This training resource from the National Strategies considers the causes of poor behaviour for learning as well as staff behaviour and its impact on learning. The aim is for teachers to: • Develop an understanding of how both student and teacher emotions can impact on learning. • Develop some strategies to avoid...

STEM plays an important role in the movies, even if you don’t always see it on the big screen. Sometimes it’s in the special effects that enhance a scene, or even the big ideas behind the story.

This programme has students creating their own special effects, building and testing stunt cars and exploring...

This play looks at how an increase in the demand for meat can affect tropical rainforests far away. It explores some of the consequences for; animals and plants living in these areas, farmers and our planet.  

Great for use in an assembly or in class, when learning about rainforests, healthy eating and...

This report from Ofsted looks at low level classroom disruption. Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI) raised concerns about low-level disruption in schools in his Annual Report 2012/13. As a consequence, guidance to inspectors was tightened to place greater emphasis on this issue in routine inspections. In addition...


This document, published by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education), provides guidance to primary schools on the resources needed to carry out practical work, to ensure that all children receive a well-rounded science education. The benchmarks show the levels of resourcing that SCORE considers necessary to...

This document, published by SCORE, provides guidance to schools and colleges on the resourcing expectations of practical work in the sciences, to ensure all students receive a well-rounded science education.

It provides a comprehensive list of the levels of resourcing that SCORE considers necessary to carry...

A Nature of Science biography of Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest names in American history. Franklin left Boston aged 17 with only a few pennies and became a national hero. His sense of adventure brought him success as a printer and fame as a scientist before becoming an ambassador for his country. Franklin...

This short animation film joins Bepi, as she prepares to embark on a space mission to Mercury. Bepi explores a range of scientific facts and gets pupils thinking about all the things we don’t know about mercury. This video would be well placed at the start of a lesson researching a planet like Mercury. This video...


The best teaching draws on the best evidence. 

Amid increasing calls for evidence-based practice in classrooms, teachers’ lives are usually too busy for them to comprehensively access and implement the best evidence we can find emerging from education research.

Best Evidence Science Teaching for...
