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This Nuffield exploration encourages students to set and test their own hypotheses following the experience of collecting primary data from a local graveyard or cemetery.

The key processes in this exploration are :...

The Central Heating Project was a set of three related projects dealing with the theme of central heating each aiming to achieve the same educational aims but in different ways.

The project taught students about the technical and economic factors as well as interpretive and evaluative skills.


This resource contains a set of achievement certificates for you to print out and award to children. Certificates are for many different subject areas including: science,...

In this Core Maths activity students are invited to play a game using non-transitive dice, and explore the probability behind them.

Champion of the world: Teacher guide
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and...

The application of probability, together with combinatorics, is the focus of this A level resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematical Teaching. The 2008 draw for the Champions League provides data for students to investigate the probabilities of English teams being drawn against each other and to...

This activity uses every day scenarios, as well as the chance of inheriting a genetic disorder, as the context for practicing how to:

* calculate simple probabilities and express them in terms of fractions, decimals...

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains ten activities on the theme of change. The activities cover a mixture of topics including; the weather, erosion, movement, sound, light, dissolving, change of state, colour, growth, microorganisms and design and technology. Designed either for use in class or within a...

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the D unit called ‘Particles at work’. This D unit provided enough material for eight double periods during a Further Science course and built on the content of the S units for Single Science. The teachers’ guide...

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the B unit called ‘Senses’. This X unit provided enough material for eight double periods. It could be selected to complete either a Science or a Further Science course. The teachers’ guide included three...

This resource pack from Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) focuses on the role of judgment in animal behaviour studies. It consists of:

*background information for teachers

* images of Canada goose goslings at various stages of development and images of seven of the behaviours of...

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the B unit called ‘Competition and predation’. This D unit provided enough material for eight double periods during a Further Science course and built on the content of the S units for Single Science.


This resource highights the impact of human activity on glaciers and sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic using four different student activities:

  1. Students explain the reason, using their knowledge of global warming, for 4 changes seen in changes and forecasts for the Polar regions.
  2. Students...

This chapter in the booklet Relevant and Engaging Statistics and Data Handling from the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) illustrates with just one example how the problem solving cycle can be integrated within statistics lessons. The lesson shown is one produced by the RSSCSE...

This chapter in the booklet Relevant and Engaging Statistics and Data Handling from the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) gives the background of the CensusAtSchool project and various ways that the project can be used in your classroom to help engage and motivate students to learn...

This chapter in the booklet Relevant and Engaging Statistics and Data Handling from the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) describes the steps needed to both take and use random samples of real data from the CensusAtSchool website. In addition it offers some ideas to allow students...
