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Showing results for "earth and atmosphere"

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This was the first National Curriculum for Science in England and Wales. One intention of the National Curriculum was that all students aged 5 to 16 learn science – that there should be ‘Science for All’ – and that this should include both the ‘methods of science’ and the acquisition of ‘knowledge and understanding...


With a population of over eight million and many people commuting to London for work every day, transport is a key issue for everyone.   Modern technology has developed to cope with the movement of such large numbers of people. However the reliance on combustion for transport over time has resulted in problems of...

The texts for Revised Nuffield Biology offered an amended version of the third year of the five-year course to O-level. The revision was based on the experience of numerous teachers with the original edition. Extra...

The search for life on other worlds is one of the most fascinating contexts that science lessons can have. In this guide, several of the resources focus on practical experiments or investigations that link astrobiology to the science curriculum. In all cases, regular scientific concepts such as factors affecting...


Sanjeev Gupta is a geologist who uses his understanding of rocks and physical processes such as plate tectonics, mountain building, deposition of sediment and erosion by water to understand how particular landscapes were formed from remote deserts, under the sea in the English Channel and on Mars!

He came to...

This resource, aimed at primary level, contains three activities relating to the Solar System. In the first activity children create a solar system flip book to show that the four planets closest to the Sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) revolve around the Sun in the...


In this activity students are about to get their first car. They also imagine that increased carbon dioxide emissions have led to huge financial incentives to buy renewable fuels. Filling stations provide hydrogen and biodiesel fuels, and recharging points for electric cars are commonplace. Students are presented...

breakthrough was a termly resource for teachers published between 1999 and 2001. Each edition highlighted a number of discoveries and inventions and the people who made them. This edition was published in January 1999. Each edition of breakthrough included feature articles and regular items such as profiles of key...

This diagnostic question is part of a series adapted for primary aged pupils from the Best Evidence Science Teaching project for ages 11 to 14.

It helps students to explain what a...

In this activity, students will learn about the three main types of Earth rocks and make edible analogues to help explain how they form. They will then use the ideas from this activity to investigate and suggest what some of the samples in the meteorite hunters boxes might be.

Curriculum links:

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This activity introduces the idea of remote observation by asking children to match photographs such as lakes, mountains and cities taken from the ground with early astronaut photographs. Children then compare the images from the ground with the astronaut picture of the same place. This activity is also suitable...
