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We all share something amazing in common – that we developed from a single sperm and egg to become complicated, sophisticated organisms, made of trillions of cells. But what are these cells like and how do they vary from one tissue to another?

This poster gives a flavour of the complex make-up of a...

This Core Maths tasks aims to help students appreciate the cost of credit and the implications of choosing to use credit. It is based on a Your Financial Future activity, by the Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership.

The lesson plan includes required prior knowledge, suggested approaches and possible...

This Core Maths tasks invites students to explore the costs associated with studying at university. It is based on a Your Financial Future activity, by the Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership.

The lesson plan includes required prior knowledge, suggested approaches and possible extension tasks. There...

Published in 2009 by LSIS, this report describes an action research project carried out at Richard Huish College. This project was a study into how feasible it would be to produce interactive materials by non-computing specialists. Such resources can be made to fit a teacher’s exact requirements and students gain...

This video explains the relationship between mass and weight.  It then shows how the car’s weight is quite distinct from its inertia (how hard it is to move it in a horizontal plane).


Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this investigation looks at end-product inhibition of the enzyme phosphatase. 

The investigation is designed for students following a Scottish Highers course but it is equally useful for other post-16 courses in biology. 

This investigation involves...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this activity enables students to investigate the effects of the plant hormone indole acetic acid (IAA) on root growth in mustard seedlings.

Different concentrations of IAA appear to have differing effects on root growth. These effects may vary from one...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this activity enables students to investigate the effects of different concentrations of nitrates, phosphates and potassium on the growth of radish seedlings.

After sowing, the radish seedlings are kept well watered, in a warm temperature under constant...

The video states that the velocity (v) of a wave moving along a string is related to the strings tension (T) and its mass per unit length (μ).  The unit of tension is the Newton (N) and the unit of mass/length is kg/m.

A simple interrogation of the formula v = √(T/ μ) shows that as T increases so too does...

This booklet illustrates ten case studies of civil engineers describing their career paths and options within civil engineering.  The publication is aimed at school students to inspire and interest them in engineering careers and to emphasise the value of STEM subjects.  

This resource consists of a lesson plan from Cybersecurity Challenge UK on the topic of the TCP/IP model of networking. It would be useful as a topic introduction.

In this investigation, using a tall tube filled with water, you let the water out the bottom of the tube, into a beaker/sink. You will record the level of the water at set intervals (every 5 or 10 seconds for example). You will then repeat this a couple of times and plot your average water level against time. You...

This Catalyst article investigates the healing of the ozone layer. The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere was damaged by CFCs, used in refrigeration. A ban on their use has allowed the layer to start recovering.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1.


Colour and grey scale versions of the poster show the cells, components and their interactions in the non-specific and specific immune response.

This paper, published in 2012, presents the emerging findings from a qualitative investigation into the impact on learners of the subject-specific continuing professional development undertaken by teachers at the National Science Learning Centre based in York, England. The paper presents the research findings from...
