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This report aimed to identify practical examples of good practice that promote good behaviour and that can be adopted by all schools. The authors identified aspects of practice that create the right conditions for good behaviour to be learnt. The authors further comment that whilst school staff work hard to support...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on Computational Thinking, and contains articles covering:

*The importance of computational thinking


This report, commissioned by the Royal Academy of Engineering (the Academy), explores the ways schools can create better and more engaging learning opportunities for would-be engineers.

This report identifies four principles that underpin the kinds of teaching that are most...

These videos are excerpts from the We Are Aliens! planetarium show. They provide good starter activities for looking at life within our universe. They explore life within our solar system and the Earth and other planets that may contain life. The exoplanets videos go on to look at the possibilities of life outside...

This edition of the Computing at School (CAS) newsletter is focused on physical computing, and features:

*The BBC Micro-Bit and Make It Digital projects

*CPD tips with Barefoot and Quickstart

*Primary school activities with Scratch and Makey Makey

*Scratch projects with Microsoft Kinect...

Libby works at the UK Space Agency, in Swindon.  She works with scientists and industry to ensure that they can run experiments on the International Space Station.  Libby works alongside astronauts who will be running the experiments on the space station.  She leads a team to ensure that research can be performed...


This literature review, by NFER, sought to address the following research questions:

  • What does AfL in science involve?
  • What AfL techniques are...

The London Curriculum uses the capital as inspiration to bring the national curriculum to life at key stages 2 and 3.  Each unit focuses on a theme linked to London and contains lesson plans and activity ideas to support teaching in many subjects across the curriculum. Though based around London, many of the lesson...

From the London Engineering Project, this document gives practical advice to practitioners about gender and cultural diversity, and suggests good practice in technology and engineering delivery.


This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at Lunar exploration. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of...

