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Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation explores the effect of placing a single tile into an existing pattern which tessellates, referred to as a pearl tiling. New descriptions and notation are introduced and questions regarding regular polygons...


This study unit offers some practical strategies that teachers use to improve the climate for learning. The techniques suggested are tried and tested; they draw on both academic research and the experience of practising teachers.


This Catalyst article explores how cyclists can use physics to explain certain limitations to their performance. Variables which may affect a cyclist's speed such as force, energy and power are considered along with formulas for calculating the correct amount of each in order to optimise performance.


Published by LSIS, this report describes an action research project carried out by Macclesfield College. The research looked at the implementation of a peer observation scheme and its effects on teaching and learning.

Published in 2009 by LSIS, this report describes action research carried out by Greenhead College. The research project was to develop a peer mentoring scheme in chemistry to help students who struggle with the difference in demands that AS courses make compared to GCSE. In turn, it is hoped that this will lead to...

Produced in 2011 by the Learning Skills Improvement Service, these materials help to demonstrate effective practice. From City College Norwich, this case study looks at the theme of equality and diversity. Peer mentoring has proved successful in many professional development projects to enhance the knowledge and...

Penguin Awareness Day helps to raise awareness about these flightless birds, their habitats and lifestyle. Use these resources to help explore the topic of penguins and their environment, across the STEM subjects.

Resources for primary level are towards the top of the list, with resources suited to older...

Produced by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), this interactive resource looks at the people and processes involved in the development of a new medicine. Developing a medicine takes about 10 to 12 years and involves a number of phases. This resource looks at the researchers involved and...

This Nuffield Working with Science unit used the context of roads and road safety to provide opportunities for students to collect and interpret data, carry out experiments and come to a point of view on an issue.


This Core Maths activity explores a range of percentage calculations and the interpretation of the results. The calculations involve finding percentages of amounts, percentage change and reverse percentage problems.

A set of answers to the questions is provided.


To complete this Core Maths students need to be familiar with financial concepts including taxation, National Insurance, and buying and selling shares.

The assessment task os based on the use of...

This article looks at how signals from the eyes are interpreted by the brain, unconscious perceptions, and what brain disorders can tell us about consciousness.


Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

In this presentation the definition of a perfect number is explained and students are challenged to show that 496 is a perfect...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students analyse simple number 'tricks', and explain how they work, using algebra. They then try to create their own variants of the trick, making it more impressive. Students will: develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations; make simple conjectures...
