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This resource contains the fourth session of the Active Approaches to Level Three Applied Science, produced by the Science Learning Centres and the Nuffield Foundation. The session looks at developing assignments, their learning objectives and structure and warns against malpractice and plagiarism. It also...

This resource contains the first session of the Active Approaches to Level Three Applied Science, produced by the Science Learning Centres and the Nuffield Foundation. The session includes two activities: Gallery of quotes and Making sense of texts.

*Gallery of quotes - students are asked to read and...

This resource contains the third session of the Active Approaches to Level Three Applied Science, produced by the Science Learning Centres and the Nuffield Foundation. The session looks at the use of scenarios to provide a real-world context, make connections between theory and practice and develop critical...

This resource contains the second session of the Active Approaches to Level Three Applied Science, produced by the Science Learning Centres and the Nuffield Foundation, and concentrates on the issues of health and safety and risk assessments. The session identifies suitable practicals and includes activities.

The Midland Mathematical Experiment, in which a number of schools collaborated with the aim of developing a new approach to teaching mathematics in the Grammar School, developed a series of books to cover their ‘A’-level syllabus. Sets, Mappings, Relations and Operations is split into sections, each section...


This activity helps learners begin to consider some issues involved in setting up their own business by making an initial, outline, mathematical model of the costs involved in setting up a business. Learners are required to work in small groups to create a poster showing the factors they would take into account,...


The human population of Earth has reached seven billion. This Catalyst article explores the impact that human activity may have on the planet. The article looks at the rate of population growth and how human impact is also related on the amount of resources used by an individual. It considers if the effects of...

Published by the Wellcome Trust, this issue explores the biological basis of sex differences and the relationship between sex and gender.


This video shows how cards with different shaped holes circle, square, triangle), held to the sun, produce circular points of light, because what is seen is the image of the sun (this is how a pinhole camera works).


This collection of Nuffield Maths resources explores Shape and Space. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics. 


In this Core Maths activity student pairs are asked to identify the force on the foundations of twelve iconic buildings. Both the volume and surface area of the buildings need to be calculated, with appropriate estimations made. Students are then asked to place the buildings in order of foundation...

This resource is part of a Nuffield Maths collection exploring Shape and Space. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics.

In this resource students learn about shape and space by designing a shape sorter. This activity may be particularly appropriate...

This collection of five booklets about post-16 physics was published by the Institute of Physics post-16 Initiative during 1999-2000. Much of the content remains relevant.

Though the booklets were primarily designed to promote debate and ideas about the way forward for physics education in schools and...
