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This resource supports students to research and discuss the field of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). The resource provides a series of student tasks that explore the topic of whether robots are a threat to humanity. This resource would work well as a research topic for students undertaking projects in...

Rollercoasters are an adrenaline rush, but did you know that it's engineers putting the thrills and chills into your favourite rides, as well as making sure they're safe to use? Tomorrow's Engineers took a trip to Thorpe Park to meet Ainsley James who told them more.


Produced by Rolls-Royce, this toolkit of careers resources helps students to see the connection between STEM subjects studied in school, college or university and future job opportunities. The resources are designed to help students to understand: * The wide range of jobs and industries which require STEM skills....

This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at how the Romans recycled glass, dinosaur colour, and what Europe's gravity mission tells us about ocean currents. The height of the world's oceans can vary by as much as 200 metres. 

These huge...

Ros Brain, Deputy Head Teacher in a primary school, recruited four STEM Ambassadors from STEMNET to bring alive the topic of poor sanitation for an activity day in her school.

The children got involved in a range of practical and fun experiments which were relevant not only to the themes of problem solving,...

This series of classroom resources use the context of space, Rosetta, and comets as background to cover curricular subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and astronomy. The mission of the Rosetta spacecraft is to rendezvous with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko where it will study the nucleus of...

This activity will introduce students to instruments and rovers that are designed by scientists and engineers for use in planet exploration. Students are given a range of considerations before they learn more about existing instruments and rovers used in missions to Mars. Students then have the opportunity to...

Roving with Rosalind is...


Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for secondary schools as well as activity groups. This collection of resources is funded by the UK Space Agency, and give students the opportunity to complete activities such as deciding a...

This collection contains a selection of resources highlighting STEM Careers case studies in engineering. 

These resources from the Royal Meteorological Society focus on topics related to climate change, and offer a selection of activities suitable for different age groups. 

The Royal Observatory Greenwich is the home of Greenwich Mean Time and the Prime Meridian of the World. These resources, designed for students aged from seven years up to post-16, contain astronomy based practical activities linked to the curriculum at each key stage.

  • Key stage 2 activities include...

A collection of resources produced by the Royal Society of Edinburgh to support the deeper understanding of programming concepts in seconday computing
