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These evidence-based, question and answer style classroom resources can be used to engage students in the climate...

Students investigate why some plastic cups collapse when filled with hot water and some don't.  They compare the effect of hot water on a range of cups and relate their findings to the properties of the plasticsused for each cup:  whether it is biodegradable or not, its melting...

This challenging video takes a philosophical approach to discussing what information is. It begins by equating information to entropy. Entropy is explained as the degree of order or alternatively randomness that exists. Examples of ordered information are the arrangement of molecules in DNA, letters in words and...

This Catalyst article discusses what physics is. Physics is a subject which seeks to answer fundamental questions about the nature of matter and the Universe in a self-consistent way.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 26, Issue 1.


This Catalyst article explores where Science Communication came from, how it has grown and why it has an important role to play in helping people to learn about science.

On one level Science Communication is about communicating science and building bridges between the people involved in scientific research...

This Catalyst article explores analytical science which is the branch of chemistry concerned with determining which substances are present in a sample and how much.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2017, Volume 27, Issue 3.


This video considers peoples’ understanding of gravity and through these ideas shows that it is a force of attraction between masses.  Some of the detail is covered in other Veritasium videos.


This video explains the term spin.  It introduces the idea of a magnetic dipole in electrons and shows how, in an external magnetic field, electron spins can be aligned or opposed (different quantum states).

However, when considering just two electrons coupled together the possible quantum positions becomes...

This infographic for post-16 students explains the different methods of speciation by natural selection. It summarises allopatric and sympatric speciation 

This activity is part of Endeavour, an online collection of inquiry-based teaching resources created by experts...

This is a video that asks young adults their opinion of nuclear power being used in Australia.  90% of Australia’s power derives from coal and gas. There are no nuclear power stations.

The comments from audience could be used to initiate similar discussions for the UK.


This Catalyst article explores the complex structure of cells, and numerous theories of how they were formed. It describes how the development of electron microscopes has allowed greater detail of cellular strutures and organelles to be understood. The article includes detailed electron micropgraphs, along with...

This worksheet in this resource introduces students to the topics of classification and binomial nomenclature. The idea of hierarchy is illustrated, before explaining Linnaeus’s system of classification and the terms kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. There is also a useful introduction to...

This video uses two oppositely charged metal plates to demonstrate that a candle flame contains ions. Positive ions are attracted to the negative plate, while negative ions the positive plate. Even when the candle is extinguished, the smoke is attracted to both plates and so must also contain ions.

