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Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine.

This resource looks at several aspects of the immune system including:

  • The non-specific immune response
  • Specific immune response and antigen recognition
  • T cells and B cells
  • ...

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) includes a number of activities to support immunisation teaching in science and the QCA Citizenship unit 'What's in the public interest?' Science and technology can bring great benefits to humanity. At the same time science can seem challenging, even...

There is a minimum size of meteorite that will make it through the atmosphere of a planet (or the Moon) and impact on the surface. If the meteorite is any smaller than this, it will burn up on its journey through the atmosphere and be seen as a meteor or shooting star (obviously if the meteorite is bigger it will...

This Core Maths activity explores exchange rates and international commerce. Students are asked to compare five different countries’ manufacturing costs and decide which option would be the cheapest.

Import/Export: Lesson plan
This lesson plan includes suggested scaffolding and...

inGenious was a multi-stakeholder initiative in STEM education launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) with an aim of increasing the links between science education and careers. This €8 million European programme in STEM education involved more than 40 partner...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this activity enables students to look at the induction of the lac operon in the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Lactose is found in milk but not in many...

Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine. Written at the time of the H1N1 swine flu outbreak, it looks at the nature of influenza, drugs and vaccines that can fight it.


Influenza or flu is a common viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. This resource, from the Microbiology Society, gives an overview of the disease, how the infection is transmitted, infection, replication of the virus inside the body, the immune response and how vaccines are developed. It also explores the...

This guide supports educators in inspiring all children to enjoy activities relating to STEM subjects, in particular girls. It looks at statistics of women in STEM roles and introduces many female...

There is a high demand for engineers in the UK and engineering is one of the most in demand jobs globally. From apprentices to technicians; graduates to postgraduates, engineers are needed at all levels, in a wide range of sectors.

This leaflet provides guidance for teachers, with key points about...


This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of instrumentation engineer and STEM Ambassador, Boye Odukunle.

Boye develops precise specifications clients who are building 'plants' or 'facilities' that process oil and gas following its extraction from reserves.

The job offers...

There are over 200 active learning techniques described in this resource, many of which are useful for formative assessment or metacognition.

Not all techniques listed here will have universal appeal, with factors such as your teaching style and personality influencing which ideas may be right...
