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This resource presents a number of case studies of schools which took part in the Thinking like an engineer project from 2014 to 2016.

This lesson introduces students to the effects of climate change on glaciers. The resource sheet gives information what a glacier is, how they are formed and what the different types are. A card sort game is included, asking students to match terms to explanations, separate glacial inputs and outputs and place in...

In this activity students develop their understanding of simple food chains or webs and scientific vocabulary through making an Arctic life mobile. They will also be introduced to the work of marine scientist, Dr Ceri Lewis, who has worked in the Arctic investigating the impact of...

In this lesson students simulate the training of Arctic explorers to learn how lifestyles can affect physical and mental health. The lesson is introduced by Ann Daniels, a record-breaking polar explorer as the first woman in history, along with expedition teammate Caroline Hamilton, to reach the North and South...

This resource explores the factors which affect the location of glaciers through a series of activities. In pairs students identify 5 countries which they think have permanent ice from a given list and justify their choices. They then mark on a world map where they think glaciers are located, indicating size and...

In this resource students learn about diet and the importance of a balanced diet through the experiences of polar explorers. Using creativity and scientific research skills, students will create a menu suitable for an Arctic expedition. The lesson is introduced by Fran Orio, a specialist polar cook, who can make...

In this resource, students investigate how glaciers respond to climate change by building a model of a glacier and observing how fast it melts. The class can be split into groups, each researching a different glacier so that comparisons can be made. Information sheets are provided for seven glaciers. This resource...

In this lesson students investigate the insulating properties of materials and consider how the adaptations of Arctic organisms help develop these. The context of the lesson is helping to develop new clothing for Tyler Fish, one of the Catlin Arctic Survey explorers.

The entire package of the Frozen Oceans...

In this lesson students learn about the impacts of ice in the Arctic melting by watching a series of demonstrations. The context of the lesson is the work of Dr Helen Findlay who was investigating the effect of environmental change on the Arctic ecosystem.

The entire package of the Frozen Oceans primary...

In this activity from the Institution of Engineering and technology (IET), students investigate the photovoltaic effect by designing and making a solar power night-light circuit. This could form the basis of a design and make assignment project in design and technology...

A level descriptor for use with Key Stage Three computing students, appropriate for the new curriculum in September 2014. The resource comprises a set of level descriptors detailed in five strands: systems, development, programming, modelling and analysis. The descriptors are based on the Computing At School...

Aimed at primary learners, this resource provides a lesson which looks at the life-cycles of plants and animals looking at several examples including human, frog and poppy. The main stages of development in each of these organisms are highlighted and the length of each...

This careers leaflet from the APBI looks at the many careers options available in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops and supplies new medicines to prevent and treat illnesses. To achieve this, it employs
talented and dedicated scientists who work together in...

Produced by the Royal Astronomical Society, this booklet examines the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the Universe. Many astronomers believe that there is life out there, but where is it? Is there life comparatively nearby, in our Solar System, or do we have to look to planets beyond the solar system that...

This resource from NASA describes how low-mass stars expand in size and become red giants at the end of their lives. Then they shed their outer layers and become planetary nebulae.

The image of NGC 2440, a planetary nebula, is on the first page of the lithograph. Background information about the life cycle...
