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This collection of resources was devised and published by Association for Science Education (ASE) in the last decade of the twentieth century to celebrate the centenaries of a number of key discoveries in the history of science.

The titles

  • Beyond the Visible - One Hundred Years...

This Catalyst article looks at the celebrations surrounding the life and work of Charles Darwin. Darwin was born 200 years ago and the article looks at some of the activities surrounding the bicentenary and examines his work.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2009, Volume 19, Issue 4.


This edition of the Computing at School newsletter, focused on the life and work of Alan Turing, contains articles covering:

*The life of Alan Turing

*Guide to Bletchley Park

*The early history of the Raspberry Pi


*The Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer prototyping board


The lesson is guided by a presentation which introduces the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and describes the application of stem cells in the treatment of disease. Students work in groups to compare images of healthy and MS nerve cells before planning and carrying out a model drug testing investigation.


Produced in 2014, this resource looks at cell signalling when the hormone adrenaline binds to receptors on the surface of the target cell. The resource sheets describe how the original hormonal signal is amplified through a cascade reaction.


The resources in this collection cover teaching about cells for students aged 11-16.  They were produced to enrich a visit to the Intech Science Centre, but can be used independently of a visit.

Cell! Cell! Cell! is the story of the trillions of cells that form our bodies, from our beginnings as a...

The Cells sub-collection is made up of pedagogical guidance and classroom materials for use with students. All materials were published by the Key Stage Three Strategy and the Secondary Strategy between 2002 and 2003.


This Nuffield exploration encourages students to set and test their own hypotheses following the experience of collecting primary data from a local graveyard or cemetery.

The key processes in this exploration are :...

The CensusAtSchool UK project began in 2000 in conjunction with the National Statistics Office. The project, originally a one-off, was linked to the UK population census of 2001. It has now developed into a dynamic, ongoing and exciting initiative running in a number of countries.

It aims to:


Experienced teachers, working for The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), have created over 100 teaching and learning resources and a suite of interactive and informative websites for use by teachers and students. They show how science works in real-life contexts and demonstrate how the chemical...

The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) has produced a large number of educational resources that help to illustrate the practical application of curriculum science and technology in real life contexts. With a strong emphasis on student investigations, the resources in this collection allow students...

The Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT) was established in 1986. The centre is a focus for research and curriculum development in mathematics teaching and learning, with the aim of unifying and enhancing mathematical progress in schools and colleges.

This collection contains resources for...

Members of the Centre for Teaching Mathematics are actively involved in creating new and innovative materials for schools.

This collection consists of the Exploring series aimed at A level students. There are three packs of resources; exploring pure mathematics, exploring statistics and exploring mechanics...
