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This resource, from Siemens, looks at the function of a wheel bearing on trains and the importance of finding out whether replacement is needed. Students consider the cost implications of replacing bearings before it is necessary and the cost and safety implications of not replacing them in time. Traditionally,...

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology, meaning that it is significantly changing the way that people, businesses, and industry interact. To put it in context, the invention of the wheel, electricity, TV, and GPS are all disruptive technologies that changed the way in which society worked.


A number of applied school science courses recommend that students should make a site visit to some aspect of the chemical industry. Such visits are often difficult to organise and some areas are almost impossible to get access to.

To partly address the needs of applied science courses and some A-level...

In this project students design a school of the future for their local community using Autodesk Revit software. The first six lessons in the series are research based where students look at sustainability, the needs of their client (their community), green materials and green building principals. They use this...


Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource contains teacher guidance, stimulus materials and student activity suggestions. It looks at a variety of infectious diseases caused by harmful microbes.

Students are required to act as scientists and group a range of diseases under different...

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-bug resource contains teacher guidance, stimulus materials and student activity suggestions. It looks at the topic of disease prevention by the body’s own natural defences. A detailed presentation and animations showing how the body fights harmful microbes on a daily...


Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-bug resource contains teacher guidance, stimulus materials and student activity suggestions. It looks at the topic of disease prevention through vaccinations.

In the main activity students take part in a simulation to see how vaccines are used to prevent the...

This resource will let students see pink elephants.

When the human eye is exposed to one colour for a relatively long period of time, the cone cells will become saturated with that colour. Once the eye is exposed to a broad range of colours again, the brain will pick up weaker signals from that colour and...

This activity allows students to investigate how images are produced from data streams by using first a spreadsheet and then an image-processing program. They then go on to see how the usefulness of such a monochromatic image may be enhanced by using lookup tables and calibration. The materials used focus on the...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to methods of how to identify what components can be used as electronic sensors.

The resource is designed so that students...

This resource highlights the...
