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A Catalyst article about the use of tiny electronic sensors to monitor the movement of people. As electronic devices get smaller and more powerful, they are finding new uses in monitoring human activity. This article describes a project to develop sensors with uses in medicine, sport and electronic gaming.


This book is part of the Archive Collection which is is available to view at the National STEM Learning Centre.

The Book of Inventions is a painstakingly researched encyclopaedia of inventions. It provides the dates, the details and the stories of how we gained some of the things we now take for granted.

Every possible...


This video tells the story of Sol and Ben Ryan. Sol had to have his arm amputated after he was born. When his father...


Engineer Matt Holloway and his team have designed and built a robot designed to get into small spaces that can insulate your home. A robot...


BOSON Inventor Kit

The use of different types of signals is hugely important in all areas of healthcare. Signal processing engineers are involved in everything from extracting information from the body’s own electrical and chemical signals to using wireless signals to allow search-and-rescue robot swarms to communicate with each...
