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In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students learn to understand the terms: mean, median, mode, range and explore the relationships between these measures and their relationship to the shape of a distribution. Students will have met the terms mean, median, mode and range but they may not have a clear understanding...

In this DfE Standards Unit resource, students learn to understand the difference between perimeter and area. Students get practice in calculating the areas and the perimeters of rectangular shapes. Students may have had some previous experience of calculating perimeter and area. (GCSE Grades D - G)

This is a suite of six units of work developed for progressive exploration of digital images and satellite data. The first three units provide an introduction to the fundamentals of manipulating digital images. In the latter three units students apply this foundation knowledge to process and analyse satellite...

This is one of a series of focused units, from the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association, to introduce students to important technologies and their applications. This unit features sensors and their technological applications...

The Career Development Institute (CDI) is developing a career progression pathway for the career development sector. This report provides evidence which can inform the creation of such a framework. It is based on an analysis of 214 job and person specifications. These were drawn from all four UK nations and reflect...

This is one of a set of resources produced in conjunction with the engineering company Arconic. The resources are designed to support teaching of key engineering concepts at both key stage 3 and key stage 4, including the new GCSE in Engineering. This resource focusses on understanding aerodynamics and making a...

This resource looks at measuring sizes of hands and presenting data.

Suggested Learning Outcomes                 

  • To understand what is meant by ergonomics and anthropometrics in design.
  • To be able to give examples of ergonomic design and the use of anthropometric data.
  • To...

This lesson supports students to unpick a number of different types of textile, including natural, synthetic, blended, woven, non-woven and knitted Textiles. The lesson provides a classroom presentation, teacher notes and student worksheets.

The materials in this resource are from the Secondary National Strategy ‘Progressing to Level 6 and beyond in science’ project. They were intended for science teachers who are focusing on understanding students’ misconceptions.

The Understanding misconceptions teacher guidance file provides...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students learn to interpret numerical expressions using words and area representations, recognise the order of operations and equivalent expressions and understand the distributive laws of multiplication and division
over addition (the expansion of brackets). Most...

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation has undertaken a number of previous studies in order to deliver a greater understanding of the UK’s technician workforce. Key has been the 2012 publication by Geoff Mason Science, Engineering and Technology Technicians in the UK Economy, which was crucial in exploring cross-sectoral...

In this lesson students will gain an understanding of  the properties of manufactured boards. They will learn the names of different manufactured boards and their applications. The pros and cons of manufactured will also be learnt with the environmental impact covered through case studies, videos and a classroom...

This collection of resources produced by FAIA (Food Additives & Ingredients Association) explores the main classes of additives used in the food and drink industry and their functions and applications.

This resource looks at the key features, advantages and disadvantages of tidal power as an energy source. Students identify the features of a landscape which will maximise the effectiveness of tidal power, considering the ideal shape of the location, whether the machinery will interfere with other activities,...

Purpose: Some topics are difficult to teach and may benefit from providing additional contexts, so helping students make links between the topic and the wider picture.

Teaching approach:  Respiration is a topic that students find challenging.  In the past, there has only been a limited range of practical...
