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This report from Ofsted draws on the results of visits by inspectors to 94 primary, 94 secondary schools and two special schools between June 2007 and March 2010. These schools were selected broadly to represent the profile of schools in England, but excluded schools in Ofsted’s categories of concern. It also draws...

A Catalyst article about the many uses of superconductors. The article looks at what the 1700 magnets at the Large Hadron Collider and power cables in Detroit have in common. Both use superconductors - materials which, when cooled below a certain temperature, lose all their electrical resistance, and display some...

A Catalyst article looking at careers in dentistry. Dental practices employ assistants, nurses, hygienists and therapists. Using case studies this article looks at the roles these jobs undertake.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1.


This document from the Department of Education looks at how Saint Benedict Academy supports pupils who persistently misbehave in their turnaround centre and deal with poor behaviour consistently. The resource explores the school's turnaround centre and it's 'C' system, as part of the managing behaviour and bullying...

This report, published by the Science and Engineering Education Advisory Group in January 2012, addresses many of the challenges and opportunities arising in implementation of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) as it affects the delivery of STEM education and engagement. It examines the ways in which STEM...

The Royal Society and the Association of Science Education commissioned a wide reaching survey on the provision, roles, responsibilities, working conditions and opinions of laboratory technicians in secondary schools and colleges in 2001, and had over 5000 technicians responding, making it the largest survey of its...

A Catalyst article about the problems of badgers transmitting tuberculosis to cattle, but is a cull of badgers a solution to the problem? When cattle are found to be suffering from tuberculosis, a disease which can be passed onto humans, they are routinely slaughtered. It is known that badgers can transmit the...

A Catalyst article about Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web. The article looks at the difference between the internet and the web and what is required to create a web that links computer users from around the world.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how St Gregory's Catholic School Science College educates pupils and parents about cyberbullying through newsletters, their 'Parent Zone' and curriculum. The resource explores the school's resources for parents, mobile phone and behaviour polices as part of...

This research, commissioned by the Wellcome trust, was undertaken by an interdisciplinary team led by Ralph Levinson and Dr Sheila Turner at the Institute of Education, University of London between May 1st and December 1st 1999.

The project reports on five main areas:

• The perceived importance...

Produced by the Department for Children Schools and Families and the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, this 2010 document lays out the size, nature and procedures around the sample of Key Stage Two science tests that was implemented after testing of all students was discontinued in 2009.

This Technicians and Progression report from the Skills Commission presents the findings of an inquiry into the alternatives to university degrees that the post-16 education system provides. The report maintains that post-compulsory education should offer a diverse range of education provision, vocational as well...

This report was the third in a series, following on from Technology in the National Curriculum: Getting it Right and Technology at A Level: Getting it Right and was written for the Engineering Council by the same authors. This report...

This enquiry into technology and school science was conducted by HMI. The report was published in 1985. The enquiry was concerned not only with the specific technology courses offered by science departments but also sought to obtain details of any attempts being made to develop technology across the curriculum,...

This Catalyst article looks at how our knowledge of the human genome has increased greatly during the last 10 years, and genome sequencing techniques have become much faster. On 26th June 2000 it was announced that scientists had completed a first draft of the human genome, the DNA instructions for making a human...
