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Help students learn specific content skills while they are actively engaged in co-operative activities. These complete resources introduce co-operative learning and include ready-to-use activity units. They also provide direction on developing portfolios and assessing co-operative learning skills.

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This collection from SMILE contains resources with a variety of activities for students from Key Stages Two to Four.

They cover mathematical reasoning to develop thinking skills, using spreadsheets, whole school projects and transition from Key Stage Two to Three.

This STEMNET activity case study describes how STEM Ambassador Felix Schubert shadowed another engineer, Ross Wattie, to learn the skills needed to present sessions for groups of students.

Felix was asked to do four sessions of a science workshop for 120 primary school children but felt apprehensive about...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Vicki Hodges as a STEM Ambassador. In a wide range of activities, she has helped to build a space station in an infant school, worked at careers fairs for older students and lectured at universities. Vicki has worked with all age groups and enjoys sharing her...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the many activities that STEM Ambassador Caron Malone has been involved with. These include designing and making 'intelligent clothing' with primary school children, a Smart Energy workshop and careers day talks. Caron is particularly keen to involve more girls in STEM...

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins describes how he works with children and teachers on projects such as building a musical dinosaur crest out of plumbing materials. This gave pupils hands-on engineering experience and an understanding of acoustics.

"You have to learn to...

Primary maths series from the early 1970's.  Series composed of Units 1-4 and teacher's book.

Primary maths series from the early 1970's.  Series composed of Units 1-4 and teacher's book.

Primary maths series from the early 1970's.  Series composed of Units 1-4 and teacher's book.

Primary maths series from the early 1970's.  Series composed of Units 1-4 and teacher's book.

Primary maths series from the early 1970's.  Series composed of Units 1-4 and teacher's book.

Primary maths series from the early 1970's.  Series composed of Units 1-4 and teacher's book.

A collection of activity cards. The set includes:

  • Floating and sinking
  • Measuring heat
  • Magnetism
  • Using a lever

These resources can be used to support British Science Week 2024 activities around the theme of 'Time'. 

Suitable for primary level. 
