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This poster explains how to become a geoscientist. A brief explanation is given for the following areas of geoscience: *Energy *Engineering geology *Environmental geology *Geochemistry *Geophysics *Hydrogeology *Metamorphism *Natural hazards *Oceanography *Palaeontology *Planetary science *Sedimentology *...

'Get to work with science and technology' is a fascinating new narrative nonfiction series that introduces readers to the real-world applications of STEM subjects.

From analysing data, to using tools and technology, readers will be excited to see how real-life scientists and engineers solve problems every...

This London Engineering Project best practice case study, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, describes the actions and results of the project's efforts to integrate equality and ensure the participation of girls in STEM activities.


This London Engineering Project guide, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, describes efforts to attract more girls to engineering as a choice of subject for study and as a career.

The guide aims to share the...

Produced by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), these 'At Work With Science' materials are designed to give students an understanding of the process involved in applying for a job. It contains useful information and tips on filling in application forms, producing a good curriculum vitae...

This resource contains four PowerPoint presentations educating Year 5 girls on professions within the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The four presentations; Gender stereotypes and equality, The world of work, Influencers and role models and Hopes and aspirations, and include discussion...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematicians can help industry to manage their use of fluids. Many industrial processes involve the complex movement of fluids, but predicting fluid behaviour can often be difficult. Mathematical models of fluid flow can help to improve manufacturing efficiency and...

This Catalyst article investigates how gold is an important metal which, when extracted from its ore, has useful properties of durability and electrical conductivity. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review...

This report is about career guidance in English secondary schools, and how it could be made better. Career guidance has been much criticised but what would it look like if it were better? Through international visits, analysis of good practice in English independent schools and a comprehensive review of current...

Good career guidance helps inspire students towards further study and enables them to make informed decisions whenever choices are open to them. It helps them to understand enough about the world of work to know what skills they need to succeed.


Chris joined McLaren's graduate programme four years ago. He now has a big input on the engineering of super-fast cars like the one in this video.


This collection of careers-related posters can be used to showcase some of the challenges that Government, universities and employers are working together to try and solve.

These posters cover four challenges:

  • Artificial intelligence - Saving lives by using AI to diagnose chronic diseases....

In this video collection, professionals from a variety of careers discuss what they love about their jobs, how they got involved, and what other opportunities are out there.

This collection of videos gives students a view into the different types of green careers available. A mixture of case studies and industrial context, this collection covers careers from across the STEM subjects.
