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This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Chemotaxis: how bacteria mov...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

The mathematical origins of string theory - Andrew Dalrymple...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

The shape of time - Vérinique Pagé...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Symmetry Man...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Weapons of Financial Mass De...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Where are all the...

Mathsticks resources aim to make maths meaningful and have been trialled, adapted, tested and retested with children in the classroom. They are based on the need for children to be fully involved in their learning; to have fun, and to enjoy and achieve while developing their mathematical skills. The resources are...

stats4schools is managed by the independent Office for National Statistics, and includes data from across government.

stats4schools is about helping teachers and students to get more from statistics. There are datasets which can be download and included in own their projects. This collection contains lessons...
