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These resources are from the Institute of Physics and consist of a range of posters that illustrate physics-related careers. The posters cover a wide range of careers and include:

Physicists Predict, Protect, Inspire and Save: Nicola Lang - geophysicist, Emma Sowter - medical physicist,  ...

A Catalyst article about the International Year of Physics, in 2005, also known as Einstein Year. In the century since Einstein’s “annus mirabilis”, when he developed his theory of relativity there has been a revolution in the study of physics. This article explores the links between some of the architects of this...

This series of videos have been produced by the National STEM Learning Centre and the Institute of Physics. They are mostly aimed at teachers and illustrate how to perform simple demonstrations and use particular pieces of equipment. Some topics have versions of the...

This guide is designed to help you deliver the principles of particle and nuclear physics through engaging activities using LEGO® bricks.

The resource is split into three topics: evolution of the universe, nuclear reactions and particle physics. All the resources in each topic are colour coded to match....


This video explores the fate of the universe from an historical position. It explains how the rate of expansion of the universe can be measured.


A selection of videos aimed at post 16 physics students.

This report, produced by the Centre for Education and Employment Research (CEER), looks at the decline in students taking physics at A level. Between 1982 and 2006, A level physics entries halved from 55,728 to 27,466. The number of students aged 18 fell and there were more A levels to choose from, but the decline...

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), these Naked Scientist podcasts look at physics questions in an accessible and informative manner.


A Catalyst article about the video or computer games industry which is now the biggest entertainment-based industry on the planet. Often it is physicists developing new concepts, hardware and games. To beat the competition they need to make physical aspects of the game be more realistic or at least appear to be...

This brochure, produced jointly by the Institute of Physics and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), highlights the world-class work that takes place in the UK in areas of physics which have the potential for commercial exploitation.

"Innovations as powerful and diverse as the...

Physics in Mathematical Mood – how physics can be taught in an appropriately mathematical way and how the beauty and power of mathematical reasoning can be conveyed to students. This booklet, from the Institute of Physics, considers many aspects of mathematics for physics students.

[b]Content includes[/b]:...

Produced by the Centre for Education and Employment Research (CEER), this report sets out to identify how some schools are increasing participation in post-16 physics whilst the general trend is for a seemingly inexorable decline in physics education. Authors Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson, looked at A level...

This report, produced by the Centre for Education and Emplyment Research (CEER), looks at specialist physics teacher supply and retention in English schools. Physics is at the sharp end of teacher recruitment. It is the subject that schools find most difficult to staff. Some schools do not teach it, and others that...

This report is provided by the Centre for Education and Employment Research (CEER) at the University of Buckingham is based on a survey of 432 schools and colleges. The report looks at the deployment of teachers and its impact on student outcomes. One finding is that teachers' qualification in physics was the most...
