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What is science? Science is a way of knowing, a method of learning about nature. Rooted in common sense, its formal, systematic method is called scientific inquiry. In doing scientific inquiry, scientists use a variety of empirical approaches, techniques, and procedures to collect data from nature, examine and...

In this booklet the authors outline how the sciences of the learning view intelligence and suggest a programme for instruction that may build upon its various processes.

To understand human intelligence, psychological and cognitive sciences try to specify what cognitive processes are involved in dealing with...

In this booklet, Reinhard Pekrun draw upon empirical evidence to address the emotions experienced by students at school. He discusses the nature and diversity of these emotions, their function on student’s learning, their individual antecedents, ways to regulate these emotions, and the influence on teachers,...

The purpose of this booklet is to offer guiding principles about learning in the twenty-first century. It is intended for teachers, curriculum designers, school leaders, and others involved in all levels of school education and can be used for any age group, as the principles it contains are general enough to be...

The psychological principles described in this booklet summarize some of the important results of recent research on learning that is relevant for education. They attempt to integrate research coming from diverse areas of psychology, including educational, developmental, cognitive, social and clinical psychology....

This booklet looks at the research and evidence around effective CPD for teachers.   The focus is on the interrelated conditions for professional learning...

This booklet draws on educational research and extensive experience with classroom practices to explain important principles for increasing literacy.

Writing, speaking and listening are communication skills that are important in all subject areas in the curriculum. Hence, literacy should have a central...

This booklet is about tutoring. Tutoring can be defined as people who are not professional teachers helping and supporting the learning of others in an interactive, purposeful and systematic way.  

Research shows tutoring can be highly effective. This is good news, since in some places in some countries...

Published by the International Bureau of Education (IBE) in collaboration with the International Academy of Education (IAE), these booklets generally aim to provide a syntheses of research on educational topics of international importance in order to improve learning.  Each booklet describes ten to twelve...

This booklet, draws on research and experience to presents eight key principles of creative thinking that are interlinked and interrelated and equally important for nurturing creativity in the educational context.

Creative thinking is defined as the thinking that enables students to apply their...

This booklet is a synthesis of principles of effective teaching that have emerged from research in classrooms. It addresses generic aspects of curriculum, instruction and assessment, as well as classroom organization and management...

The materials in this resource are from the Secondary National Strategy ‘Progressing to Level 6 and beyond in science’ project. They were intended for science teachers who are focusing on helping their students in developing skills in effective group talk.


A Catalyst article looking at climate change. In particular the science of phenology, the study of the times each year that certain life-cycle events occur, is examined. It involves recording data on when birds migrate, eggs hatch or when leaves change colour. If the climate is changing, the timing of these events...

This video uses a comparison between an LED light and filament bulb to introduce efficiency (η). 

The equation, %efficiency (η) = (useful energy out/total energy in) x100 is explained and then linked to rate of energy transfer (P=E/t).


The work suggested in this Nuffield Working with Science unit encourages the students to start thinking about efficiency by presenting them with some problems which are a familiar part of their daily lives. They are asked to investigate problems which have been chosen...
