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The Mars Challenge secondary school resources are a set of "unplugged" computing resources, aimed at students aged 11 to 14 years old.  The resources are set in the context of the European Space Agency ExoMars mission,...


Go on a real-life...

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing and programming a BBC micro:bit to help wheelchair athletes monitor and record their sporting performance over time.

In this activity pupils will make use of the BBC micro:bit to design...

The BBC micro:bit Quickstart Guide for Teachers is designed to support educators in effective use of the BBC micro:bit devices distributed to all Year 7 students...

The BBC micro:bit is capable of taking on a variety of roles including that of a powerful IoT device. In order to gain full access...

The BBC micro:bit is a micro-controller / microcomputer aimed at getting a new generation of children into coding and computing....

Learners will create a prototype food temperature probe...

In this activity, learners will use the micro:bit to develop a prototype for a pedestrian crossing for a local secondary...

The RRS Sir David Attenborough is the new research vessel that will operate in many hostile conditions whilst carrying out scientific investigations. The ship has 6 degrees of motion – heave, roll, pitch, surge, sway and yaw. The RRS Sir David Attenborough has 2 motion reference units which monitor all of these all...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Increasing the number of girls studying computing

*Inclusion in computing

*Network of Excellence and CAS Hubs

*Learning about programming through knitting

*Programming with GameMaker


The Monitor adapter is part of the MiHome home automation range. The Monitor adapter allows you to monitor the power being used by an attached appliance. The Mi|Home monitor adapter sends energy data information back to the App.

This allows you to monitor how much energy each device is using and also track...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter covers many topics including:

*Visual development of mobile apps using App Inventor

*Active learning in computing using Lego NXT and Logo

*BYOB, an extension to Scratch that aids abstraction and extension

*Robot simulation using RoboMind...

All data on computers is stored and transmitted using the binary number system. When the binary digits need to be sent over the phone lines (which often happens in home internet connections), the digits are converted to sound...

