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A small resource which includes a "debugging strategy" sheet with suggestions to students as to how to proceed. It also contains a bug-ridden Scratch game. The activity requires students to identify and fix the bugs. Although this is a single worksheet activity, it can serve as an example/template for a whole host...

A resource which provides learners with a user friendly strategy to utilise when they come across a bug they do not understand. SNOT stands for Self, Neighbour, Other, Teacher, and it includes a framework for recording who students have sought help from, and who they have helped along with record sheets to record...

This computing resource for primary schools introduces the concept of decomposition through dance. Using combinations of hand-jive, clapping or tutting, the lesson demonstrates how complex sequences of instructions (algorithms) can be broken down into smaller chunks. The children are challenged to look for patterns...

Written in 2009 by the Department for Children, Schools and families, this resource sets out the government's support for behaviour in schools at that time.

This guide will help volunteers working in schools to effectively support Cisco Little Big Futures project work, as well as handy hints and guidance to help all STEM Ambassadors or educators to deliver the activities confidently in schools. It covers:

  • The curriculum context for STEM subjects in the age...

Design Club is a social enterprise set up to help children become design thinkers. We create industry-standard resources to help people run design thinking clubs and workshops for 9-13 year olds.

This set of resources contains everything you need to run a Design Club taster project: worksheets, a delivery...

In these resources, learners will create a prototype food temperature probe using the micro:bit. The product must be able to provide a warning when the food is too cold to eat.

In these activities, learners will look at the requirements for a good home security system and develop their own programmable alarm system.


In this challenge, students are asked to consider the impact of people suffering from heart conditions, both to the individual and to wider society. They then generate ideas for using programmable systems to improve people’s health, and to monitor themselves. A video introduces the idea of a heart rate monitor, and...

In these activities, learners will create a prototype score counter and integrate the micro:bit programmable system.


Using the micro:bit, learners will create a prototype score counter. Learners must ensure the product is accurate, well...

These materials, from the Nuffield Foundation, contain a wealth of ideas and practical advice on the delivery of design and technology in the primary curriculum. Each of the resources includes extensive teacher guidance as well as chidlren's stimulus materials. The materials cover a range of topics in which...

From the Nuffield Foundation, these activities allow children to work in teams to design and build a piece of interactive, multimedia presentation software for other children to enjoy and learn from. The teams produce one final product and test their design ideas on the target audience, which may be another class...

Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from Mathew Holloway, this resource uses the Crumble controller, setting students a design challenge that sees them create their own umbilical controlled buggy that can navigate small spaces. Although specific to the Crumble controller, this resource could be used as a design...

This activity, suitable for a cross-STEM project day or series of lessons, focuses on how information can be provided to travellers on the London Underground. Students are asked to consider user needs – what information would they need to see, and how might their requirements be communicated? A deep understanding...
