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Have you ever travelled on a large vehicle ferry? How are the vehicles loaded? Why do you think it matters which vehicles go on first or where they are put on the car deck?If you are loading cargo (into a rucksack, onto a boat, onto ...

This book, which forms part of the weaving series from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, is an introduction to logic in a very general sense.

Its main aim was to help students aged from about 8 to 12 to think clearly...

Mah Hussain-Gambles is a biker, a rock music fan and a pharmacologist. Her childhood began in Pakistan and ended in Hull, where she was the only student with Asian heritage at her comprehensive school.

Following a degree in pharmacology, success as a scientist in industry and as social scientist in academia...

In this resource from the IET pupils learn about snowflake science, symmetry, shape and molecules, whilst designing, making and decorating their own marshmallow snowflakes. The resources provided include full lesson guidance as well as a wordsearch to strengthen understanding of key vocabulary.


This booklet, the Mathematics Centre at the University of Chichester, is about beginnings. Here teachers and students are tackling unfamiliar interactions as the students are playing games, investigating, discussing and problem solving. The contributing teachers all met...

In this classroom activity learners will use the inspiration from a well-known book to make a mask representing one of the main characters.

This teaching resource could be used as a main lesson activity, to support pupils’ engagement in literacy. It could also be used as a focussed task to teach pupils about...

Mark Richards is a scientist and a DJ (DJ Kemist). He was born in Nottingham in 1970 to parents who had emigrated from Jamaica and remembers successfully 'battling with the boffins' at his comprehensive school, often coming top in chemistry.

Following a degree in chemistry, he has worked (getting a PhD along...

This book of challenges for more able students from the National Numeracy Strategy contains puzzles and problems. These are accessible to a wide range of students. There are four separate files covering ...

In 2009, the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), who provide these resources, embarked on the Mathematical Needs Project to investigate how both the national needs and the individual needs of students, from age five to nineteen in England, could be met by a curriculum, delivery policy and...

The purpose of this book, from the National Numeracy Strategy, is to identify the words and phrases that students need to understand and use if they are to make good progress in mathematics. It was designed to support the National Numeracy Strategy alongside the...

Mathematics begins (1967) is a revised and enhanced version of the Circle series ‘Beginnings' produced by the Nuffield Mathematics Project. As with the earlier guide it is concerned with students in their first few years at school and how their experiences of life gradually extend their mathematical thinking....

This paper sets out to give an understanding of what was distinctive about MEPP training and teaching, and summarises the findings from a research project to evaluate its effectiveness in improving students' achievement in mathematics.

During the development of the programme the government implemented its...

This glossary, from the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA), was first developed in response to requests from teachers and others during the National Curriculum consultation in 1999. The explanations of mathematical terms refer to the terms as they...

This resource from Ofsted contains generic grade descriptors and supplementary subject-specific guidance in mathematics, drawn from the leadership and management section of the evaluation schedule for the inspection of schools and academies, January 2012. It is intended only to inform the judgements made by...
