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Linked to Farmvention, produced by the National Farmers Union (NFU), this resource provides a series of four activities based around teaching of materials, including: properties of materials, insulation, waterproofing, natural and man-made materials. Designed to make children think about the day to day issues faced...

Produced in the Welsh Language, this resource is linked to Farmvention, produced by the National Farmers Union (NFU). This resource provides a series of four activities based around teaching of materials, including: properties of materials, insulation, waterproofing, natural and man-made materials. Designed to make...

This topic from Siemens designed for primary aged pupils, uses the context of long distance communications to get them thinking about how scientific ideas are used to develop solutions to challenges and how technology is about comparing and evaluating different solutions.

  • Ways of communicating...

These resources have been produced to support teachers, learners, employers and anyone involved in work experience to develop strategies for creating good quality placements for young people aged 14–19. The materials include a quick guide, with practical examples, and a video that explores placements in the context...

Produced by NHS Careers, this toolkit provides background information and advice for schools and other organisations involved in arranging work experience for students in the NHS.

Produced by the former Department for Children, Schools and Families, this work-related learning guide is aimed at young people and their parents or carers, employers, primary and secondary schools and colleges, and Education Business Partnership Organisations. The guide includes information on providing work-...

In this Teachers TV video, two consortia in Birmingham prepare to pilot the Secondary Diplomas in Engineering and Creative and Media. The...

A report published in April 2012 by Dr Anthony Mann, Director of Research and Policy, Education and Employers Taskforce. This paper presents findings from recent research into the value of work experience to young people.

The purpose of this paper is to share evidence considered by the Education and...

The materials in this National Strategies resource help teaching assistants to develop their role in supporting assessment for learning (AfL) in the classroom by promoting and embedding good practice in partnership with teachers.

Throughout the resource, teaching assistants reflect on and evaluate their role...

This managing bullying in schools document from the Department of Education looks at how to manage behaviour through supporting pupils through work with nearby schools, creative arts projects and disciplinary sanctions. The resource explores managed moves and inclusion arts projects, as part of the managing...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how the White Horse Federation engages parents to discuss and improve pupil behaviour. The resource explores how the school talks with parents, develops language skills and online safety and its mobile phone policy, as part of the managing behaviour and...

This collection includes four trial units of work developed by the Nuffield Foundation to support their Primary Solutions resource. Each unit within this collection includes lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource...

This collection includes five trial units of work developed by the Nuffield Foundation to support their Primary Solutions resource. Each unit within this collection includes lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource...

This collection includes seven trial units of work developed by the Nuffield Foundation to support their Primary Solutions resource.

Each unit within this collection includes lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource...

A set of careers information sheets from Lantra featuring the wide variety of careers in the animal care industry.

The Animal care industry is...
