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This resource for Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four students provides some statistics about the eating habits of children in Italy and asks students to compare and contrast these with their own eating habits. Through this activity, students have to interpret charts and graphs, plan how to collect data and design a...

More complex careers, with more options in both work and learning, are opening up new opportunities for many people.  However they are also making decisions harder for young people and adults given the financial and emotional penalties associated with making wrong decisions.

There are around 1.09m young...

Support from employers is a vital part of all young people’s careers education.

This employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers...

This research article published in 2012 in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching investigates the effectiveness of an integrated science and literacy approach at primary school level. Teachers in 94 fourth-grade (Year 5) classrooms in one US Southern state participated.

Half of the teachers in...

In this teacher presentation and collection of student worksheets a pair of simultaneous equations is given, one of which is non-linear. A second pair of similar simultaneous equations is given; that has the same solutions. Students are challenged to explain why.

Each student worksheet contains different...

This package of resources by Learnbylayers provides a comprehensive introduction to 3D printing, where it is used in the wider world and why it is used to manufacture certain products. Students design an object, slice and print it and learn about the basics of 3D printing. The materials can be taught in class or...

Part one of a series of five lessons covering biomimicry students will gain an understanding of what it is and how nature inspires the design of products and technology we use on a daily basis. Through a series of theory slides, supporting images and videos students will gain a greater understanding of the...

A series of six lessons on VEX IQ Programming with Modkit. The lessons include:

  • an introduction to the world of robotics in the context of the Key Stage 2...

In this lesson students are introduced to the world of robotics in the context of the Key Stage 2 ICT curriculum. Over the course of these lessons, the students will learn how to use Modkit to program a VEX IQ Basebot in the context of an ‘autonomous car’.


The purpose of the lesson is to expand the students' knowledge on programming the drivetrain. Students will also use the Touch LED sensor to provide user feedback during the program execution.

The remaining lessons can be found here.


The purpose of this lessons is to introduce the students to sensors. Students will learn how sensors allow a robot to examine its environment and how this data can be used to make decisions. The lesson will center on the VEX IQ distance sensor. From a programming perspective conditional statements and nested loops...

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the ‘color’ sensor and its usage within Modkit. The students will also learn the concept of variables, which they will set to a constant value throughout the program.


The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the ‘color’ sensor and its usage within Modkit. The students will also learn the concept of variables, which they will set to a constant value throughout the program. 

The remaining lessons can be found ...

The purpose of this lesson is revise and combine all the programming skills the students have learned throughout these lessons. In addition students will extend their knowledge on variables.

The remaining lessons can...

This resource consists of a ten page student workbook and some associated resources. The workbook is designed to be used with Key Stage 3 students over a number of lessons, to introduce them to the concept of algorithms, to make them used to following instructions given as an algorithm and to start producing their...
