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The video shows a slide at a fairground that starts from a height of 35 metres. The person using the slide pauses at the top of the slide. There are various bumps in the slide along the descent. The challenge is to graph the height of the person's bum off the ground against time.

Bum height off...

This assessment task from Bowland asks students to work out how much material is needed to make bunting to go round a garden. The key processes involved are representing, analysing, communicating and reflecting. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base their solution and two steps are suggested...

This short task considers a distance time graph for a bus journey. Students must answer a series of questions on interpreting the graph, including drawing the graph of the journey of a bus traveling in the opposite direction.   

The resource comes with both scored and unscored student work. This is useful...

This resource contains two Core Maths assessments appropriate for students of business. The assessments, that cover number, finance and graph topics, are:

  • Problem solving
  • Break even analysis
  • Percentages
  • Simple and...

This resource features a task that explores setting up and solving simultaneous equations in a practical context.

Ralph and Jody go to a shop to buy potato chips and candy bars. Each buys a different combination of the items, with the total cost to each person being given. One equation is given, and students...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the themes of harnessing technology and continued professional development. This project was set up to develop effective ways of collecting and reviewing student evaluation in Hillcroft College, a London Further Education college....

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary mathematics in science courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary mathematics in science courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary mathematics in science courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary CPD courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

CREST Bronze Awards engage and inspire a wide range of students, and introduce them to the language and methods of project work. The flexible framework can be adapted for students of different ages and abilities. 

Bronze projects: 
• Involve a minimum of 10 hours of work on one project area 
• Use...

Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of...

Crest Silver Awards stretch students and enrich their studies. They require around 30 hours of project work and are typically completed by 14-to-16-year olds. Your students will develop their own project idea and will gain experience of going through the scientific process. 

You will need to register...

CREST Star Challenges is a UK-wide award scheme, run by the British Science Association that enables children to solve scientific problems through practical investigation. The activities focus on thinking about, talking about, and doing science. They are designed to be...

This activity from the Nuffield Foundation shows students how to use Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms to solve minimum connector problems. A cable TV company wants to lay cables to connect the towns, laying the cable along the roads shown on a map of the Isle of Wight. They want to connect all of these towns to...
