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This Catalyst article takes a look at the winners of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2012 who revealed how cells communicate.

All functions of the human body require signals to be released, detected by a receptor in the right place and an appropriate response to be mounted. For example, hormones can be...

This resource, commissioned by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education) and published in April 2013, reports on the findings of research into the nature of resourcing and funding of practical science within schools and sixth form colleges. The aim was to identify and understand types of issues that might be...

Produced by Understanding Animal Research in collaboration with teachers, these materials aim to present how animals are used in research and encourage students to look at the issues involved.

Understanding Animal Research aims to improve public understanding of animal research. UAR works on behalf of...

This is one of a series of extended units, from the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association, to provide in-depth coverage of a topic or an area of the curriculum. The focus is on the aspects of systems and control that generally feature in courses of Design and Technology and...

The materials in this resource are from the Secondary National Strategy ‘Progressing to Level 6 and beyond in science’ project. They were intended for science teachers who are focusing on helping their students in understanding the processes and philosophy of science and scientists.

The Understanding...

This collection of STEM Learning videos explores the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning and computing. Taking a deep dive into AIs place in our world and what the future might hold. AI and machine learning are useful tools, developing rapidly and are around us every day, from ChatGPT, apps on mobile...

This is a suite of six units of work developed for progressive exploration of digital images and satellite data. The first three units provide an introduction to the fundamentals of manipulating digital images. In the latter three units students apply this foundation knowledge to process and analyse satellite...

This is one of a series of focused units, from the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association, to introduce students to important technologies and their applications. This unit features sensors and their technological applications...

The materials in this resource are from the Secondary National Strategy ‘Progressing to Level 6 and beyond in science’ project. They were intended for science teachers who are focusing on understanding students’ misconceptions.

The Understanding misconceptions teacher guidance file provides...

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation has undertaken a number of previous studies in order to deliver a greater understanding of the UK’s technician workforce. Key has been the 2012 publication by Geoff Mason Science, Engineering and Technology Technicians in the UK Economy, which was crucial in exploring cross-sectoral...

Purpose: Some topics are difficult to teach and may benefit from providing additional contexts, so helping students make links between the topic and the wider picture.

Teaching approach:  Respiration is a topic that students find challenging.  In the past, there has only been a limited range of practical...

This resource is a collection of statements from over 40 universities and higher education groups in support of Core Maths. University...

This Catalyst article looks at wild rice which was domesticated a long time ago, and explores how understanding its genetic diversity can help to develop new strains.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2.


This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematicians' understanding of knots can help unravel potentially fatal knots in DNA molecules. Understanding how to manipulate tangles of DNA could help us create new treatments for diseases, so...

Students test crystal (alum) deodorants using either a red cabbage indicator or a universal indicator. The universal indicator suggests that the deodorant reacts as an acid, whereas the red cabbage suggests that the deodorant reacts as a base. What is happening here?

This resource can be used with different...
