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This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of tunnel design engineer and STEM Ambassador Kate Woolley.

Kate designs and supervises the construction of tunnels and finds that she needs to use maths, physics and technology to make everyday decisions. Engineering, however, had not always seemed a...

This Catalyst article introduces Michael Pocock, an ecologist who surveys UK environments and constructs food chains of the species he identifies. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3.

Catalyst is a...

The Career Development Institute (CDI) is developing a career progression pathway for the career development sector. This report provides evidence which can inform the creation of such a framework. It is based on an analysis of 214 job and person specifications. These were drawn from all four UK nations and reflect...

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation has undertaken a number of previous studies in order to deliver a greater understanding of the UK’s technician workforce. Key has been the 2012 publication by Geoff Mason Science, Engineering and Technology Technicians in the UK Economy, which was crucial in exploring cross-sectoral...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematicians' understanding of knots can help unravel potentially fatal knots in DNA molecules. Understanding how to manipulate tangles of DNA could help us create new treatments for diseases, so...


Physicists are involved in a wide range of activities, including electronics, energy, space, transport, medicine and materials. Their work can involve designing and conducting experiments, simulating real-life problems and conditions in laboratories, or making a series of observations which are written up in...

Produced by the Gender Equality and Race Inclusion (GERI) project, this teacher guidance and classroom activities outline a process that encourages young people to explore, in a comprehensive and constructive way, those jobs usually done by members of the opposite sex. Case studies and activities look at various...

CK's job is helping people under the impact of the conflict ongoing in Yemen. In Yemen, he is managing a water and sewer programme which requires lots of engineering skill and also project management skill.


This video introduces Nariba, a graduate water engineer for engineering company Halcrow. Nariba performs assessments for construction projects, focusing on flood risk management. Her work includes water management, drainage, flooding, water quality issues, flood risk management and flood defences.


The We Are Aliens! teaching resources were produced to support the planetarium show made by NSC Creative. They have been produced by lead educators from the National Space Academy to use the context of space to teach physics, chemistry and biology in the curriculum. The resources contain practical activities,...

This Catalyst article investigates how polymer materials can be designed and printed with electrical properties that allow them to be used in wearable electronic devices. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science...

This series investigates unusual careers in science-related fields and finds out about commonly considered ways in which science can be put to use. 

Sophy was passionate about Maths and Science at school. So much so her school encouraged her to complete a BTEC outside of school. On leaving school she became an apprentice  at Hydram and studied Mechanical Engineering. She is now full time, working as a Welding technician, working on the vehicles...

A Catalyst article about the many roles of chemists at work. The links with biology, physics and geology are examined as are many other subjects. The article looks at some of the areas in which chemists work and it explores what makes it distinctive from other sciences.

This article is from Catalyst:...
