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This APU report for teachers focuses on the performance of students aged 15 in a range of test questions concerning electricity. It presents the findings in a sequence in which it suggests that different activities are generally encountered by students. An...

This APU Science report for teachers is based on a selection of the questions used in the surveys of students aged 13 and 15 in the surveys carried out in 1981 and 1982 to assess the performance of investigations. These were complete investigations carried out individually by students working alone. Reference is...

Of the 11 APU Science Reports for Teachers, five addressed aspects of the surveys or students' performance of particular relevance to teachers of students aged 11.

Report 1 summarised the findings from the first two surveys across the range of categories assessed, indicating what most students aged 11 were...

Of the 11 APU short reports for teachers, eight concerned the performance of students aged 13 and 15, including two which also related to students aged 11. Report 2 outlined the rationale and categories of science performance assessed. Reports 3 and 5 summarised some main findings from surveys at age 13 and 15...

ARKive works with the world's best filmmakers, photographers, conservationists and scientists to create a multimedia guide to the world's endangered species. The educational resources produced by ARKive help students to understand concepts of evolution and biodiversity and contain rich images of a wide variety of...

ARKive is working with the world's best filmmakers, photographers, conservationists and scientists to create a multimedia guide to the world's endangered species. The materials in this collection are thus richly illustrated with images from the ARKive project. The ARKive materials help to raise awareness and...

Produced by ARKive, these materials use Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle as a context to explore a number of topics around adaptation, variation, natural selection and evolution. The activities are designed to be used as a set or individually, alongside your existing resources. The resources look at:


These materials are designed to teach students aged 11 to 14 about the variety of habitats worldwide and the diversity of species found in each habitat. The activity also highlights topics including interdependence, adaptation and how species evolve specialised features. Working in groups, students are allocated a...

The ASE Lab Books were published in the early 1970s for the Association for Science Education by John Murray. Each title in the series covered one or two topics and brought together the best of the teaching notes and experimental ideas from members of the association...

Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science (ATLAS) was a curriculum development project organised by the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University. This resource, for Key Stages Three and Four, was created to illustrate the range of teaching...

