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Showing results for "Organic chemistry"

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This Nuffield Foundation publication was prepared to help students master the calculations involved in GCSE Science courses. The book is divided up into a series individual topics. Each topic is presented in three parts.

  • A summary of the ideas students need to know, including any important formulas....

This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes developments in photography It long before the modern era of digital photography.

The main topics are:

This field study encourages students to act as environmental scientists to compare two heathlands one of which has been grazed, one of which has not. Students use the data collected to decide which heathland is better in terms of the plant species present, especially heathers, and soil chemistry.



This resource was produced to get students working in teams and understanding the scientific and industrial processes involved in sugar making. The resource consists of 23 cards detailing each step of the sugar making process, which students are asked to arrange in the correct order to go from harvesting the sugar...

This is one of the 18 Background Books published for Stage II of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes aspects of the history of chemistry by exploring the developments that led to the Periodic Table.

There are 4 parts to...

Scottish Higher Qualifications: English, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics


This Building Bulletin reviews the requirements for fume cupboards used in schools and colleges for teaching the sciences, mainly chemistry and biology, up to A-level GCE. It covers the level of provision that is desirable to meet curriculum needs and makes recommendations for good practice in the design,...

In this Revised Nuffield Chemistry option, ideas about proton and electron transfer were used to explain the decay of stonework and the corrosion of metals. Practical investigations explored the physical and chemical changes that can lead to the breakdown of stone as well as the factors that determine the rate of...

This Revised Nuffield Chemistry option suggested the use of paper, column and thin-layer chromatography to analyse inks, food colours and coins. Quantitative work was based on the analysis of vitamin C in foods.


1. Chromatography

2. The determination of vitamin C in...

An article about chiral compounds and the chemistry of flavours like orange and spearmint.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Find out more about Catalyst magazine:

This resource describes how engineers at Rolls Royce apply physics and chemistry in the development of their engines, including how materials behave in extreme conditions, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, the use of computer modelling to look at forces and energy transfers, and the use of maths in performance...

From the Sanger Institute, this craft based activity suitable for classroom use or science festivals where students make a DNA sequence bracelet that carries part of the code of an organism such as a human, trout, chimpanzee or butterfly.

The activity reinforces the principle of complementary base pairs as...

Faraday Challenges are designed to promote team work, curiosity and raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects, so are particularly relevant as part of an enrichment and enhancement programme built into your curriculum.

This guide, from triple science support,...

In this STEMNET resource, Assistant Head Teacher Matthew Evans describes activities undertaken in his specialist Technology College to support STEM subject teaching. The school runs many STEM Clubs and has worked with STEM Ambassadors for nearly 15 years.

Matthew works closely with the STEM Ambassadors and...
