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In this resource children are encouraged to find out about the impact craters left behind after meteorite collisions. The investigation includes exploring whether different kinds of meteorite make different kinds of crater. Children will also investigate the size of impact craters made by meteorites dropped from...

This film features RSS James Clark Ross which is primarily a marine research vessel for biological, oceanographic and geophysical cruises. It is equipped with a suite of laboratories and winch systems that allows scientific equipment to be...

In the third activity of the Superpillars Assemble, pupils learn about the important role of butterfly and moth caterpillars in the food chain through a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Children carry out an activity to explore the impact of a farmer spraying insecticide on the plant that the caterpillar eats, on...

These materials from the National Strategies were developed during a Wave 3 mathematics pilot with 27 LEAs. Feedback influenced the revision of the teaching materials and their presentation in the pack.

The materials...

The ASE booklet Children Learning Through Science comprises nine short case studies of work carried out in primary school classes. They are described as providing successful examples of how the teacher leads the work in response to the children’s question, interests and...

This session introduces the 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' course with a video which explains pupils will be thinking about the living things that humans share the planet with, how humans can have a positive or negative impact on the environment, and how we can help protect living things from extinction. Children will...

This activity asks students to carefully observe the buildings around them and the materials they are built from. The challenge is to design their own building, thinking about material choice, test strength of chosen materials and research the jobs involved within the construction industry. The challenge finishes...


Use this poster to help your students to see how their experiences in and out of lessons will support them on their STEM career journey. 

This Impact Summary, published in 2015, showed how for the previous ten years the National Science Learning Network had provided teachers, technicians and other educators with high impact, subject-specific professional development in science and other STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics...

This interactive excel file deals with place value of number and with multiplication and division by 10, 100 and 1000. The interactive sheets begin with the student being able to reveal the word form for a set of large numbers. Then there are sheets which show sets of integers or decimals which are to be multiplied...

This poster shows 100 exciting job roles that link to science, technology, engineering and maths.

Be inspired by the array of jobs you could consider in the future if you keep your options open with maths and science:

  • Space structures engineer
  • Stadium designer
  • Flood modeller... features resources that focus on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. The problems are aimed at Key Stage 3, though many of them would also lend themselves to Key Stage 2. The work is presented here in the form of printable...

The ASE List of Books provides a very comprehensive list of publications relating to science for teachers and students as current at the time (1966). The list is helpfully separated into topics and there is an index. The list comprises authors, titles and publishers...

These three 45 minute sessions follow on from the introductory session to 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' and explore stories of how humans are trying to have a positive impact on the environment to address the problems of

2A - habitat loss...
