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Use this poster to help your students to see how their experiences in and out of lessons will support them on their STEM career journey. 

This Impact Summary, published in 2015, showed how for the previous ten years the National Science Learning Network had provided teachers, technicians and other educators with high impact, subject-specific professional development in science and other STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics...

We know that in the current situation, teaching is taking place in bubbles, where teachers and students will often not have access to laboratory spaces, or equipment.  We have selected over 50 activities that can be done in any classroom, with...

This collection of fourteen 60 second animated clips were produced by the Open University, and funded by the Science Technology Facilities Council. They focus on cutting edge topics within astrophysics in a humorous and easily accessible way. The animations cover topics such as the Big Bang, the expansion of the...

These series of animations explain what microgravity is and how it is used in research both on the ground and in space.  They are designed by researchers from the Open University and narrated by the actor/comedian David Mitchell.

This short film explains how the 60 second adventures in microgravity series was put together. It features some of the researchers, animators and script writers involved.


Published in 2006 by the Scottish Government, this report looks at the progress towards a Curriculum for Excellence. It was designed to present ideas and stimulate discussion between stakeholders in education within Scotland.

The Curriculum for Excellence considers how and what children and young people...

This pilot version of the Recommended Code of Governance for Schools was published by the Wellcome Trust in October 2012. It is aimed at providing school governors and senior leaders with a robust yet flexible framework they can use to set the strategic direction for their school, and that governors can use to hold...

This report was the result of a request to Carol Vorderman from David Cameron and Michael Gove for advice on mathematics education at the time the Conservative Party was in opposition. A small voluntary task force was formed and worked with organisations and individuals (including students and parents) in the...

This publication is a report from the Leading Space Education Programme (LSEP). This is a Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) funded project that has worked with 30 schools in England with the aim of enhancing science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in secondary schools and using...

From the ABPI, these are a interactive resources for students, covering a variety of biology topics. 

ARKive is working with the world's best filmmakers, photographers, conservationists and scientists to create a multimedia guide to the world's endangered species. The materials in this collection are thus richly illustrated with images from the ARKive project. The ARKive materials help to raise awareness and...

The ASE Lab Books were published in the early 1970s for the Association for Science Education by John Murray. Each title in the series covered one or two topics and brought together the best of the teaching notes and experimental ideas from members of the association...

This edition of the Computing at School (CAS) newsletter covers a range of topics including:

*Unplugged computing magic tricks

*Programming using Alice, Scratch and GameMaker

*Making games with Kodu

*Object oriented programming in Java with Greenfoot

Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at pedagogy in STEM subjects. 

