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A collection of case studies from teachers or schools who have carried out their own research, or used evidence from academic research, to improve an area of classroom management or classroom organisation.

This is part of the Teachers as...

A collection of case studies by teachers or schools who have carried out their own research, or used evidence from academic research, to improve practice.

This is part of the Teachers as researchers collection which has examples...

This School Science Review article attempts to summarise the good, bad and (occasionally) ugly aspects of teaching astronomy in UK schools. It covers the most common problems reported by teachers when asked about covering the astronomy/space topics in school. Particular focus is given to the GCSE Astronomy...

This research, commissioned by the Wellcome trust, was undertaken by an interdisciplinary team led by Ralph Levinson and Dr Sheila Turner at the Institute of Education, University of London between May 1st and December 1st 1999.

The project reports on five main areas:

• The perceived importance...

Produced by the Department for Children Schools and Families and the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, this 2010 document lays out the size, nature and procedures around the sample of Key Stage Two science tests that was implemented after testing of all students was discontinued in 2009.

This booklet examines the development of engineering expertise and makes recommendations on ways to harness, encourage, facilitate and reward it. Covering all Key Stages from Foundation Stage to post-16 and higher education, the booklet states the case for design and technology in schools to encourage an...

This document introduces 'The Crystal' building in the Royal Docks, London which is designed to improve knowledge of urban sustainability.

This article from School Science Review, describes the design, delivery, evaluation and impact of a CPD course for physics and chemistry teachers. A key aim of the course was to use the context of the James Webb Space Telescope project to inspire teachers and lead to enriched teaching of STEM subjects.


These resources cover a variety of activities linked to the theme of the Moon.

Get your pupils discussing the work of Nobel prize winner for physiology or medicine 2022, Svante Paabo, by looking at evolution and DNA sequencing with these resources.

  • Evolution - For primary aged pupils looks at how organisms adapt to their environment and think about adaptations for humans that...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on teaching computing in primary schools, and contains articles covering:

*Pedagogy of computing in primary schools

*National curriculum programme of study

*Game design in the primary classroom

*Primary – secondary transition...

This resource is designed as an introduction to activities available using a Raspberry Pi computer. The introduction explains:
*what a Raspberry Pi is: a small, affordable yet powerful computer
*what can be learnt from this manual: how to perform simple programming and the basics of computer science...

The Royal Institution's 2022 Christmas Lectures - Secrets of forensic science, were...

The Royal Society is a an independent scientific academy in the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.

This collection of resources from the Royal Society contains a variety of activity types and themes, such as why a career in science is for me, inspiring scientists and climate change, and the...

Published in 2008, this report from the TDA outlines the investigation into how professional development across Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Early Professional Development (EPD) is manifested in secondary science teaching across England.

