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This report, published by the Nuffield Foundation in 2010, provides an international comparison of upper secondary mathematics education in 24 countries, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is based on data collected as part of a research review, which was subsequently validated and...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, these materials introduce students to circuit symbols. They develop their knowledge and understanding of circuit symbols and components through a range of short, interactive learning activities. These are particularly useful to reinforce, or consolidate,...

Python is a freely available programming language. This resource contains six sections:

The first section, Getting started, begins with a simple description of how to download and install a Python compiler onto a computer. The screenshots in the resource use a compiler called IDLE. There...

This learning resource is an introduction to programming with Python. Versions are included for Python 2.7 and Python 3. The fundamentals of programming are covered: • Arithmetic operations • Data types • Control flow As well as some more advanced techniciques including the use of: • Regular Expressions • Files •...

This report, published by the Nuffield Foundation in July 2009, examines the major issues of policy and practice surrounding applied science qualifications, taking account of empirical evidence where it is available. The report is centred on the following questions:

• what is distinctive about applied...

More complex careers, with more options in both work and learning, are opening up new opportunities for many people.  However they are also making decisions harder for young people and adults given the financial and emotional penalties associated with making wrong decisions.

There are around 1.09m young...

Support from employers is a vital part of all young people’s careers education.

This employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers...

In this teacher presentation and collection of student worksheets a pair of simultaneous equations is given, one of which is non-linear. A second pair of similar simultaneous equations is given; that has the same solutions. Students are challenged to explain why.

Each student worksheet contains different...

What is the immune system and how does it know you are you?

This video provides an introduction to waves which looks at the differences between types of wave.  It would make a good revision video which discusses mechanical and electromagnetic waves with examples of each, with how particles and fields fit into the topic.  They presenter also demonstrates the difference...

Published in April 2013  This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) presents the findings from an investigation into the views of senior staff with responsibility for determining CPD strategy, within schools and further education colleges.    


This activity gives students the opportunity to navigate a map of Mars looking for regions of interest they will receive ‘mission’ data from to analyse. Students will first work in teams on an interactive activity, navigating terrain as either a rover or mission control. The main part of the activity asks students...

In this resource, from the DfES Standards Unit, students learn to define a sequence using the
general form of the nth term, define a sequence inductively, recognise and define an arithmetic and a geometric progression and to reflect on and discuss these processes. Students should have some understanding of...

A Catalyst article about ice cores from Antarctica which contain air bubbles which record the changing atmosphere. The Antarctic ice sheet is over 3 kilometres thick; ice cores enable scientists to sample each year of snow fall in sequence. This evidence is vital in understanding how the climate is changing. The...

This Catalyst article is a career interview with aerospace research engineer, and BBC Bake-Off finalist, Andrew Smyth.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Find out more about Catalyst magazine:
