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This Impact Summary, published in 2015, showed how for the previous ten years the National Science Learning Network had provided teachers, technicians and other educators with high impact, subject-specific professional development in science and other STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics...

Published in 2006 by the Scottish Government, this report looks at the progress towards a Curriculum for Excellence. It was designed to present ideas and stimulate discussion between stakeholders in education within Scotland.

The Curriculum for Excellence considers how and what children and young people...

This pilot version of the Recommended Code of Governance for Schools was published by the Wellcome Trust in October 2012. It is aimed at providing school governors and senior leaders with a robust yet flexible framework they can use to set the strategic direction for their school, and that governors can use to hold...

From the ABPI, these are a interactive resources for students, covering a variety of biology topics. 

ARKive is working with the world's best filmmakers, photographers, conservationists and scientists to create a multimedia guide to the world's endangered species. The materials in this collection are thus richly illustrated with images from the ARKive project. The ARKive materials help to raise awareness and...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Vicki Hodges as a STEM Ambassador. In a wide range of activities, she has helped to build a space station in an infant school, worked at careers fairs for older students and lectured at universities. Vicki has worked with all age groups and enjoys sharing her...

Alan works at the UK Astronomy Technology Centre, and is designing software for the James Webb Space Telescope.  Alan talks about his work on the mid infrared instrument which will look at the formation of galaxies in the early universe.  He uses coding in his job and explains how you need to write algorithms to a...

Alternatives for Science Education was produced and published by the Association for Science Education (ASE) in 1979. Its sub-title, A Consultative Document, indicates its aim and status. In addition to being a document of considerable historical interest, it contains arguments of continued relevance.


Published in April 2013  This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) presents the findings from an investigation into the views of senior staff with responsibility for determining CPD strategy, within schools and further education colleges.    


Anna works at the University of Leeds.  She uses satellite data to look at glaciers at the poles of the Earth.  She uses optical and radar data to track ice movement.  She explains how she went to Greenland and Antarctica for field trips to obtain more data for her research.  Anna explains how we need to study ice...

National Health Service celebrates it's birthday on 5 July.

When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Since then, the NHS has delivered Britain’s first heart transplant in 1958, Europe’s first liver transplant in 1968, ...

Leading behaviour...

From the science QCA, QCDA and Ofqual collection, these resources are materials and guidance produced to assess student performance in the various key stages and examinations.


This resource is a summary of a seminar organised by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education) in November 2009. The seminar aimed to discuss the purpose and methods of assessment of practical work in science. It also looked at the current GCSE specifications and the key philosophical differences of the...
