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Showing results for "careers"

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In this video you hear from Matt Slater who is a Naval Architect.  He talks about what his job entails such as ship design and ship building, along with how team work is important and other skills such as IT fits into his role.


A Catalyst article about careers in geological exploration. The article contains a case study about an exploration geologist and looks at an undergraduate degree course in exploration geology.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2007, Volume 17, Issue 4.


A Catalyst article about careers in the food industry. The food and drink industries are part of a chain linking farming and growing through to food processing, manufacture and finally to the sale of food in supermarkets and restaurants. This article describes some of the many career areas in food technology...

A Catalyst article about careers in forensic science covering the work of the reporting officer. The article explains what it takes to become a forensic scientist and what qualities are required to join this profession.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1.


Future Morph Careers Quest was developed for students attending one of the the Big Bang science fairs. In the activity, students question exhibitors about aspects of their work and how they had chosen their particular career.

Whilst developed for an exhibition context, the resources can suggest questions for...

This collection aims to support teachers in the delivery of career-focussed lessons and events. Combining material for students with comprehensive teacher guidance, these resources can help teachers to confidently explain the opportunities available to their students. Highlights include:

  • Top Ten...

In this video collection, professionals from a variety of careers discuss what they love about their jobs, how they got involved, and what other opportunities are out there.

This collection of videos gives students a view into the different types of green careers available. A mixture of case studies and industrial context, this collection covers careers from across the STEM subjects.

This collection of resources help teachers and careers advisers introduce students to the possible career opportunities in emerging green technologies. The activities help to highlight the jobs students can do to help tackle climate change and improve the environment. 

The collection includes a set of case...

This collection contains a selection of activities including games, quizzes, and experiments, designed to help students of all ages understand the different roles available in green careers using STEM subjects. Highlights include:

  • Polar Explorer Careers Booklet - aimed at 7-11 year...

This collection contains a range of careers case studies from across the STEM subjects. Inspiring individuals talk about their personal journeys and explain more about the exciting careers they have chosen.

This collection provides students with information on the range of careers accessible with a STEM background. Both job-specific and general subject resources are included in this selection.

This collection aims to support teachers in the delivery of career-focussed lessons, particularly looking at green careers and how a STEM background makes positive innovation possible. Resources include both job- and subject-specific information packs, real-life careers case studies, practical experiments, and...

A collection of nine films featuring engineers at different career stages. The films present the daily work of an engineer, explain what engineering is and what it takes to have a successful career in engineering.

Six mathematical career case studies from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.

* Robyn Smith Operational Research

* Ruth Amos Inventor, business owner and trustee

* Zoe Kelson Mathematician and Business Development Manager

* Claire Burke Climate change attribution scientist...
